
Whether you are interested in a fundraising event, attending an educational program or becoming an advocate in your area, the March of Dimes has a variety of activities to participate in across the country. Find an event near you.


Learn about the latest news and happenings in your area showcasing our volunteers, fundraising, advocacy and program efforts. Learn about the initiatives we’re reporting on and how you can help.

Local Donation

Help us give every baby a fighting chance by giving a gift to help support our research, education, and advocacy efforts in your area.

Local Programs

Learn about the ways we promote healthy pregnancies and babies and work to prevent premature births and birth defects through programs and services across your area.

We award grants to local organizations to meet urgent maternal and infant needs. Learn about the initiatives and programs we are supporting and how you can partner with us in your state.

Learn about the work our volunteers and staff do to influence both legislative and regulatory activities in each state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico - serving as powerful voices for the needs of pregnant women, infants, children and families.