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Smart Growth

Examples of Smart Growth Communities and Projects

Learn about how some communities are implementing smart growth strategies:

Fourth Ward Park, Atlanta, GA

National Award for Smart Growth Achievement

EPA award recognizing communities that use smart growth principles to create better places.

Eighth & Pearl Streets, Boulder, Colorado

Smart Growth Illustrated

Shows how places around the country have used smart growth strategies.

Cropped cover of This Is Smart Growth

This Is Smart Growth

Shows how smart growth looks in rural places, suburbs, and cities around the country.

Atlantic Steel Redevelopment Project, Atlanta, Georgia

Atlantic Station (Atlantic Steel Redevelopment Project)

Redevelopment project that used smart growth measures to help reduce its air pollution and gain other environmental benefits.

Cover of Turning Bases Into Great Places

Turning Bases Into Great Places

Examples of former military bases that have been turned into walkable, mixed-use communities.

Cropped cover of Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront CommunitiesSmart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities

Includes examples of smart growth development and strategies along waterfronts and coasts.