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Tropic Ditch Replacement Project
Final Environmental Assessment
and Finding of No Significant Impact

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The purpose of this project is to reduce the amount of salt entering the Paria River and ultimately the Colorado River.  One way to reduce the amount of salt reaching the Colorado River is to eliminate seepage from the historic Tropic Ditch.  The Bureau of Reclamation, Provo Area Office has proposed funding for the project under the Colorado River Salinity Control Program.  In addition to reducing the amount of salt loading, the project would also conserve water lost to evaporation and seepage.

The purpose of this Environmental Assessment (EA) is to analyze the potential environmental consequences of the proposed construction of an irrigation pipeline by Tropic and East Fork Irrigation Company.  The construction of the pipeline would originate approximately one mile within the east border of Bryce Canyon National Park.  The pipeline would follow approximately one mile of an existing cattle trail through the park.  It would continue to pass through the Tropic Canyon and eventually into the Tropic Valley near the town of Tropic in Garfield County, Utah.  The pipeline would replace about 5.5 miles of existing open ditch.

Tropic Ditch Replacement Project Final Environmental Assessment

 Transmittal Letter with document distribution  (PDF)
 Transmittal Letter - notification of availability  (PDF)
 Cover Pages   (PDF)
84 KB
 Table of Contents  (PDF)
84 KB
 Chapter 1 - Purpose and Need  (PDF)
81 KB
 Chapter 2 - Alternatives  (PDF)
110 KB
 Chapter 3 - Affected Environment/Environmental Consequences  (PDF)
378 KB
 Chapter 4, 5, 6, & 7 - Environmental Commitments, Consultation and Coordination, Preparers, References  (PDF)
107 KB
WinZip File
 Figure 1 - Location Map
 Figure 2 - Springs Location Map
 Figure 3 - Pipeline Alternatives Map  
 Figure 4 - Construction Route Map  
 Entire Document   (PDF)
 Finding of No Significant Impact  - Reclamation   (PDF)
445 KB
 Finding of No Significant Impact  - National Park Service  (PDF)
860 KB



Last updated: December 6, 2006