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Santo Domingo Tribe - Habitat Restoration for the
Endangered Rio Grande Silvery Minnow and
Salt Cedar Removal Project
Environmental Assessment

The Cochiti reach of the Middle Rio Grande has undergone, drastic landscape alterations. The installation of the Galisteo Dam and Cochiti Dam has shifted the riparian ecosystem, resulting in reduced pulse flows, altered ecological processes, and encroachment of non-native phreatophytes. The regulated hydrograph in the Rio Grande has swift currents, incised river banks, abandoned side channels, isolated backwaters, and thick stands of exotic vegetation.

The Santo Domingo Tribe-Natural Resources Branch (NRB) proposes work at two sites along the Rio Grande and one site on the Galisteo Creek. The NRB will be practicing multiple aquatic habitat restoration techniques outlined in the “Habitat Restoration Plan for the Middle Rio Grande”, September 2004. Two of the restoration projects are aimed at enhancing riverine features to accommodate RGSM needs; one site will be a low-flow side channel, and the second site will be a low-flow backwater habitat. These two projects will incorporate embayments, scallops and other habitat features associated with RGSM habitat. The last site, located on Galisteo Creek, is intended to encourage sediment delivery to the Rio Grande through the extraction of non-native phreatophytes.

The Project is funded by the Collaborative Program through Reclamation. This Environmental Assessment (EA) has been conducted to evaluate the impacts of the construction on environmental resources and their relationship to other projects and undertakings in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act.

Santo Domingo Tribe - Habitat Restoration for the Endangered
Silvery Minnow and Salt Cedar Removal Project
Environmental Assessment
 Cover and Title Page
 Table of Contents
  Chapter 1 - Purpose and Need For Action
 Chapter 2 - Alternatives
 Chapter 3 - Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences
 Chapter 4, 5, 6, & 7 - Environmental Commitments, Consultation and Coordination, List of   Preparers, Appendix
 Entire Document



Last updated: January 19, 2007