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Description: This data element provides the Received Date for the original submission of a reporting form (i.e., a chemical form for a facility for a reporting year). This data element is most meaningful for reports with revisions because it provides the Received Date for the original submission prior to a revision. For reports without revisions, the Original Received Date is the same as the Received Date, Postmark Date, and Certification Date. Forms that are withdrawn and then resubmitted are treated as original submissions rather than revisions. In these cases, the Original Received Date will be the same as the Received Date, Postmark Date, and Certification Date.

The definition of this data element may vary according to how the TRI reporting form was submitted (i.e., paper, disk, TRI-MEweb desktop, TRI-MEweb). Please refer to our summary table for a full set of definitions of TRI data elements related to processing dates.
Envirofacts Table Name(s):
Data Source:
  • Data Element:
  • ADABAS File:

  • Type:DATE
  • Length:

Definition Source:TRI Data Dictionary

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