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​Types of NEPA Documents

Mule deer at a wildlife site in Idaho that BPA is acquiring.

Generally, before a federal agency (such as BPA) can take any action on a proposal, the proposal would be the subject of analysis that is documented in a CX, an EA, or an EIS. With limited exceptions (40 CFR 1506.1), no action may be taken on a proposal until it has been the subject of a CX or an EA showing that no EIS is necessary.  An EA can result in a finding of no significant impact (FONSI) or a recommendation to prepare an EIS

After BPA finalizes an EIS, it produces  a Record of Decision (ROD) documenting the BPA Administrator’s decision on the action.

BPA has also developed several programmatic EISs to address various policy directions and programs. These programmatic analyses can address site-specific projects if they fall within the scope of the analysis. The 2003 Fish and Wildlife Implementation Plan EIS, for example, is a broad-based analysis of the natural, social and economic consequences of fish and wildlife mitigation and recovery decisions. If the general impacts of a proposed action are covered in a programmatic EIS, then a tiered ROD or supplemental analysis informs the decision.