Reclamation Manual

Directives and Standards

Directives and Standards provide the level of detail necessary to ensure consistent application of Policy Reclamation-wide.  However, Directives and Standards are also structured to provide flexibility to local offices, allowing the unique aspects of each Reclamation project and program to be taken into consideration.  Directives and Standards are signed by the Senior Executive of the program function as delegated by the Commissioner.

CMP Comprehensive ACM Acquisition and Financial Assistance
ENV Environmental Management ADM Administrative Management
FAC Project Planning and Facility Operations, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation BGT Budget Management
LND Land Management and Development CRM Civil Rights Management
LON Loans, Grants, Rehabilitation and Betterment, and Distribution ETH Ethics
NIA Native American and International Affairs FIN Financial Management
PEC Program Economics, Revenues, and Contracts HRM Human Resources Management
RES Research, Testing, and Technical IRM Information Resources Management
SLE Security and Law Enforcement PRM Property Management
WTR Water Management and Development RCD Records Management
    SAF Safety Management


Program Series




CMP 01-01 Floodplain Management 08/15/2013 (minor rev)
CMP 01-02 Superseded by CMP 02-01  
CMP 02-01 Deleted 02/19/1999 - see RCD 03-03  
CMP 03-01 Bureau of Reclamation Web Management 10/07/2016 (minor rev)
CMP 04-01

Public Involvement in Bureau of Reclamation Activities

Appendix A - Related Laws, Regulations, Executive Orders, and Policies

10/07/2016 (minor rev)
CMP 05-01 Deleted 11/07/2016
CMP 05-02 Superseded by CMP 09-02  
CMP 05-03 General Planning Activities (GPA) 05/12/2000
CMP 05-04 Technical Assistance to States (TATS) 04/13/2001
CMP 05-05 Environmental and Interagency Coordination Activities (EICA) 04/13/2001
CMP 06-01 Reclamation Value Program 09/09/2008 (minor rev)
CMP 07-01 Superseded by CMP TRMR-72
CMP 09-02

Water and Related Resources Feasibility Studies

Appendix A - Approval Process for Feasibility Reports

11/16/2015 (minor rev)
CMP 09-03

Reclamation Rural Water Supply Program

Appendix A - Federal Register Notice

Appendix B - Financial Hardship Test for Reduction of Non-Federal Cost-Share Requirement

Appendix C - Criteria for Determining the Federal Cost-Share when a Participating Municipality has a Population Greater than 50,000 people

CMP 10-01

Advance Planning for Technical Services Work

Appendix A - Advance Planning for Engineering and Other Technical Services (E&OTS) Template

CMP 10-02

Fee-for-Service Business Practices for Technical Services Work

Appendix A - Statement of Work Template

Appendix B - List of Service Agreement Data Elements

CMP 10-03

Workload Distribution Practices for Technical Services Work

Appendix A - Workload Distribution Flowchart

Appendix B - Appeal Path

CMP 10-04 Collaboration with Customers Regarding Technical Services Required for Work on Existing Bureau of Reclamation Facilities 12/15/2014 (minor rev)
Top of Page
ENV 01-01 Pest Management/Resource Protection (Integrated Pest Management) Program 10/17/1996
ENV 01-02 Public Notification of Aerial Pesticide Applications on Lands Managed Directly by Reclamation 03/04/1998
ENV 02-01 Underground Storage Tank Management 09/06/1996
ENV 02-02 Evaluation of Treatment Storage, and Disposal Facilities for Reclamation Hazardous Waste 09/06/1996
ENV 02-03 Pollution Prevention - Hazardous and Solid Waste Minimization 09/06/1996
ENV 02-04 Superseded by LND 12-01  
ENV 02-05 Liability and Risk Reduction 09/06/1996
ENV 02-06 Required Training and Medical Surveillance for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response 09/06/1996
ENV 02-07

Management of Shooting Ranges on Reclamation Lands

Appendix A - Lead on Outdoor Firing Ranges

ENV 02-08

Superseded by ENV 15-03

ENV 03-01 Deleted 01/10/2003 - see ENV P04  
ENV 05-01

Environmental Management Systems (EMS) Implementation

05/06/2016 (minor rev)
ENV 05-02

Environmental Management Systems (EMS) Independent Conformance Audit and Declaration of Conformance Process

Appendix A - Environmental Management Systems (EMS) Conformance Audit Criteria Checklist

Appendix B - Environmental Management System (EMS) Audit Plan Template

Appendix C - Environmental Management System (EMS) Audit Required Document and Records Review

Appendix D - Environmental Management System (EMS) Communication Plan

Appendix E - Sample Environmental Management System (EMS) Audit Opening and Closing Meeting Agendas

Appendix F - Environmental Management System (EMS) Audit Report Template

05/06/2016 (minor rev)
ENV 06-01 Non-Agricultural Discharges into Bureau of Reclamation Facilities – Requirements and Procedures for Obtaining Authorization from Reclamation

Appendix A - D&S ENV 06-01 Applicability Flowchart

ENV 15-03 Environmental Compliance Audit Program















09/16/2014 (minor rev)
FAC 01-01 Superseded by FAC TRMR-60  
FAC 01-02 Early Warning System 04/11/1996
FAC 01-03 Hazardous Materials 04/11/1996
FAC 01-04 Review of Operation and Maintenance (RO&M) Program Examination of Associated Facilities (Facilities Other Than High- and Significant-Hazard Dams)

(minor rev)

FAC 01-05

Superseded by FAC TRMR-90

FAC 01-06 Annual Reporting for Dam Safety, Security, and Related Operations 01/21/2016 (minor rev)
FAC 01-07 Review/Examination Program for High- and Significant-Hazard Dams 04/29/2009
(minor rev)
FAC 01-08 Dam Safety Performance Monitoring for High and Significant Hazard Dams 01/15/2016 (minor rev)
FAC 01-12 Bureau of Reclamation's Review of Operations and Maintenance of Urbanized Canals (RO&MUC) Program 03/30/2015
FAC 02-01 Superseded by FAC TRMR-66
FAC 03-01 Maintenance of Design and Construction Technical Capabilities 06/15/2015
FAC 03-02 Construction Activities 06/15/2015
FAC 03-03

Design Activities

Appendix A - Suggested Final Design Project Checklist

Appendix B - Project Closeout Checklist (to be completed by Project Manager)

Appendix C - Process for Requesting Deviation from Reclamation Design Criteria

FAC 04-01 Power Review of Operation and Maintenance (PRO&M) Program 06/05/2015 (minor rev)
FAC 04-02 Power Recommendation Tracking 05/29/2015
FAC 04-03 Superseded by FAC TRMR-21 and then FAC 13-01  
FAC 04-04 Ancillary Generation Services 09/21/2004
FAC 04-05 Power Statistics 08/27/2004
FAC 04-06 Project Use Power 05/16/2005
FAC 04-07 Power Repayment 01/20/2006
FAC 04-08

Lease of Power Privilege (LOPP) Processes, Responsibilities, Timelines, and Charges

Appendix A - Memorandum of Understanding

Appendix B - Lease of Power Privilege Study Considerations


Appendix D - Standard Lease of Power Privilege Rate Methodology

FAC 04-09

Project Use Power Contracts Development and Modification

Appendix A - Contracts for Project Use Power

FAC 04-12 Unit Availability 09/22/2015 (minor rev)
FAC 04-13

Reporting Procedures for Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6)

Appendix A - Equipment Inventory Sheet

Appendix B - SF6 Emissions Reporting Protocol and Form

FAC 04-14 Power Facilities Technical Documents 12/21/2011
FAC 04-15 Power Review of Operations and Maintenance (PRO&M) of Transferred Works 09/29/2015
FAC 04-16 Non-Hydro Renewable Energy (N-HRE) Projects on Bureau of Reclamation Lands, Facilities, and Waterbodies 09/12/2016
FAC 05-01 Continuity of Operations (COO) 09/25/2001
FAC 06-01 Bureau of Reclamation Dam Safety Program 11/08/2016 (minor rev)
FAC 06-02 Dam Safety Issues in Title Transfers 01/15/2016 (minor rev)
FAC 06-03 Safety of Dams Modification Reports for Submission to the Congress 07/08/2016 (minor rev)
FAC 07-01 Superseded by FAC TRMR-98
FAC 08-01 Landslide Surveillance Program 12/21/2005
FAC 09-01

Cost Estimating

Appendix A - General Overview Flowchart

07/20/2016 (minor rev)
FAC 09-02 Construction Cost Estimates and Project Cost Estimates 07/20/2016 (minor rev)
FAC 09-03 Representation and Referencing of Cost Estimates in Bureau of Reclamation Documents Used for Planning, Design and Construction 10/15/2007
FAC 10-01 Identifying Design, Cost Estimating, and Construction Projects for Which Independent Oversight Review is Required, and Performing Those Reviews 07/30/2014 (minor rev)
FAC 13-01 North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Electric Reliability Standard Compliance 05/22/2015 (minor rev)
LND 01-01 Implementing Cost Sharing Authorities for Recreation and Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Facilities

Appendix A - Contract Clause

04/11/2016 (minor rev)
LND 01-02

Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (REA) Program Management

Appendix A - The America The Beautiful – National Parks and Federal Recreation Lands Pass

Appendix B - Statement of Permanent Disability

Appendix C - Volunteer Pass Memorandum

02/20/2013 (minor rev)
LND 01-03

Recreation Program Management

Appendix A - Index

Appendix B - Definitions

Appendix C - Contract Clause

04/11/2016 (minor rev)
LND 02-01

Cultural Resources Management (CRM)

Appendix A - List of Abbreviations and Acronyms

Appendix B - Definitions and Terminology

LND 02-02

Museum Property Management

Appendix A - List of Abbreviations and Acronyms

Appendix B - Definitions and Terminology

LND 02-03 Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of Project Works that are Historic Properties 04/12/2011
LND 02-04 Administration of the Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) on Bureau of Reclamation Land 12/17/2014 (minor rev)
LND 02-05 Museum Records 08/29/2016 (minor rev)
LND 03-01

Land Withdrawals, Withdrawal Reviews, and Withdrawal Revocations

Appendix A - Interagency Agreement Between the Bureau of Reclamation and the Bureau of Land Management

Appendix B - Master Interagency Agreement Between the Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of the Interior, and the Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture

LND 04-01 Concessions Management by the Bureau of Reclamation

Appendix A - Contract Clause

04/11/2016 (minor rev)
LND 04-02 Concessions Management by Non-Federal Partners

Appendix A - Contract Clause

04/11/2016 (minor rev)
LND 05-01

Real Property Appraisal

LND 06-01

Land Acquisition

Appendix A - Relevant Authorities

LND 07-01 Deleted 02/17/2012  
LND 08-01 Land Use Authorizations 01/03/2002
LND 08-02 Land Disposal 01/03/2002
LND 08-03 Identification of Unneeded Land 08/17/2011 (minor rev)
LND 09-01

Land Records

LND 09-02 Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) 08/02/2010 (minor rev)
LND 10-01 Deleted 02/17/2012  
LND 11-01 Disposal of Bridges and Crossings on Bureau of Reclamation Land and Easements 01/13/2014 (minor rev)
LND 12-01 Identification and Reporting of Potential Hazardous Substances on Reclamation Acquired or Withdrawn Lands (Reclamation lands) 02/23/2015 (minor rev)
LND 13-01 Visitor Centers 08/17/2007
LND 14-01

Wildland Fire Management (WFM)

Appendix A - Wildland Fire Management (WFM) Project Reimbursement by Project Beneficiary

01/26/2012 (minor rev)
NIA 01-01 Reclamation's International Affairs Program 02/12/2016 (minor rev)
NIA 10-01 Requirements for Execution and Administration of Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (Pub. L. 93-638, as amended) Contracts and Annual Funding Agreements (AFAs) 05/22/2014
PEC 01-01 Charges for Use of Federal Assets 08/15/1996
PEC 01-02 Project Cost Allocations 09/10/2015 (minor rev)
PEC 02-01 Superseded by PEC 01-02
PEC 02-02 Reclamation Reform Act of 1982 (RRA) Reference Manual 05/08/2014 (minor rev)
PEC 03-01 Crediting Requirements for Incidental Revenues 12/03/2015 (minor rev)
PEC 03-02

Use of the Collection Information Form for Incidental Revenues

Appendix A - Instructions for Completing the Collection Information Form (CIF)

Appendix B - Collection Information Form

Appendix C - Collection Information Code Table

12/03/2015 (minor rev)
PEC 04-01

Superseded by PEC 05-07

PEC 05-01

Water Rates and Pricing

Appendix A - Application of M&I Rate Requirements

12/18/2013 (minor rev)
PEC 05-03

Extended Repayment of Extraordinary Maintenance Costs

Appendix A - Subtitle G--Aging Infrastructure

Appendix B - Standard Articles Required for any XOM and EXOM Repayment Contract

PEC 05-04 Requirement of a Water Measurement Article in Water-Related Contracts 01/06/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 05-05

Safety of Dams Repayment

Appendix A - Example of Calculation of SOD Interest During Construction (IDC) and Weighted Average Interest Rate for Repayment Purposes

02/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 05-06 Sustainable Operation and Maintenance Requirements for Certain Water-Related Contracts 09/28/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 05-07 Deferment Contracts 06/22/2015 (minor rev)
PEC 05-08 Contract Compliance Reviews

Appendix A - Contract Compliance Review (CCR) Standard Checklist Version A: Irrigation-Only
Word Template

Appendix B - Contract Compliance Review (CCR) Standard Checklist Version B: Municipal and Industrial (M&I)-Only
Word Template

Appendix C - Contract Compliance Review (CCR) Standard Checklist Version C: Irrigation and Municipal and Industrial (M&I)
Word Template

Appendix D - Contract Compliance Review (CCR) Standard Checklist Findings Section
Word Template

Appendix E - Contract Compliance Review (CCR) Standard Cost Sheet
Word Template

Appendix F - Contract Compliance Review (CCR) Standard Checklist Attachment: Guidance on Application of Reclamation 2013 Water Use Definitions

PEC 05-09 Reuse of Bureau of Reclamation Project Water 04/14/2015 (minor rev)
PEC 06-01 Preparing Bases of Negotiation for New and Amendatory Water Service, Repayment, and Other Water-Related Contracts 10/05/2015
PEC 07-01 Collection of Costs Associated With the Administration of Water-Related Contracting Activities 07/24/2015 (minor rev)
PEC 09-01

Conversions of Project Water from Irrigation Use to Municipal and Industrial Use

07/24/2015 (minor rev)
PEC 10-01

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Standard Article 1: Contracts with Third Parties

Word Template - Standard Article 1

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-02

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Standard Article 2: Failure to Complete Work

Word Template - Standard Article 2

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-03

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Standard Article 3: Charges for Delinquent Payments

Word Template - Standard Article 3

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-04

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Standard Article 4: General Obligation - Benefits Conditioned Upon Payment

Word Template - Standard Article 4

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-05

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Article 5: Operation and Maintenance of Transferred Works (Federal Construction)

Word Template - Standard Article 5

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-06

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Article 6: Operation and Maintenance of Project Works (Federally Assisted Construction)

Word Template - Standard Article 6

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-07

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Standard Article 7: Examination, Inspection, and Audit of Project Works, Records, and Reports for Determining Adequacy of Operation and Maintenance

Word Template - Standard Article 7

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-08

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Standard Article 8: Emergency Reserve Fund (Annual Deposit)

Word Template - Standard Article 8

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-09

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Standard Article 9: Emergency Reserve Fund (One-Time Deposit)

Word Template - Standard Article 9

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-10

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Article 10: Confirmation of Contract

Word Template - Standard Article 10

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-11

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Article 11: Notices

Word Template - Standard Article 11

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-12

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Standard Article 12: Contingent on Appropriation or Allotment of Funds

Word Template - Standard Article 12

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-13

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Standard Article 13: Officials Not to Benefit

Word Template - Standard Article 13

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-14

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Article 14: Changes in Contractor’s Organization

Word Template - Standard Article 14

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-15

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Article 15: Assignment Limited - Successors and Assigns Obligated

Word Template - Standard Article 15

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-16

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Standard Article 16: Books, Records, and Reports

Word Template - Standard Article 16

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-17

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Standard Article 17: Compliance with Federal Reclamation Laws/Small Reclamation Project Laws

Word Template - Standard Article 17

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-18

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Standard Article 18: Administration of Federal Project Lands

Word Template - Standard Article 18

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-19

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Standard Article 19: Protection of Water and Air Quality

Word Template - Standard Article 19

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-20

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Article 20: Contamination or Pollution of Federal Property

Word Template - Standard Article 20

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-21

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Standard Article 21: Clean Air and Water

Word Template - Standard Article 21

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-22

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Article 22: Water Conservation

Word Template - Standard Article 22

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-23

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Standard Article 23: Equal Employment Opportunity (Federal Construction)

Word Template - Standard Article 23

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-24

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Standard Article 24: Equal Employment Opportunity (Federally Assisted Construction)

Word Template - Standard Article 24

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-25

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Standard Article 25: Compliance with Civil Rights Laws and Regulations

Word Template - Standard Article 25

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-26

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Standard Article 26: Certification of Nonsegregated Facilities

Word Template - Standard Article 26

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-27

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Article 27: Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition

Word Template - Standard Article 27

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-28

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Standard Article 28: Privacy Act Compliance

Word Template - Standard Article 28

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-29

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Article 29: Pest Management

Word Template - Standard Article 29

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-30

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Standard Article30: Medium for Transmitting Payments

Word Template - Standard Article 30

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-31

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Article 31: Contract Drafting Considerations

Word Template - Standard Article 31

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 10-32

Reclamation Standard Water-Related Contract Articles, Standard Article 32: Constraints on the Availability of Water

Word Template - Standard Article 32

10/25/2016 (minor rev)
PEC 12-01 Irrigation Suitability Land Classification for New Projects or Operating Projects 02/03/2016 (minor rev)
RES 01-01 Technology Transfer Agreements 03/23/2016
SLE 01-01

Personnel Security and Suitability

Appendix A - Minimum Position Risk/Sensitivity Designations for Key Reclamation Positions or Assignments with Equivalent Duties Performed by Contractor Staff

Appendix B - Forms

10/18/2016 (minor rev)

SLE 02-01

Identifying and Safeguarding FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO) Information

Appendix A - Examples of Reclamation FOUO Information

Appendix B - Cover Sheet

Appendix C - Fax Cover - Fillable Fax

Appendix D - Sample Marking

Appendix E - Federal Non-Disclosure Agreement

06/13/2016 (minor rev)
SLE 03-01

Deleted 07/11/2013

SLE 03-02 Facility Security 11/25/2013
SLE 04-01

Bureau of Reclamation Uniform Program for Public Service (PS) Uniforms

Appendix A - Hoover Police Uniform

Appendix B - Grand Coulee Security Response Force (SRF) Uniform

Appendix C - Security Guard Uniform

Appendix D - Grand Coulee Firefighter and Fire Inspector Uniform

Appendix E - Park Ranger Uniform

05/01/2012 (minor rev)
SLE 05-01 Reimbursability of Security Costs

Appendix A - Sevice Lives for Security Equipment

10/14/2015 (minor rev)
SLE 06-02

Boards of Review

Appendix A - Incidents to be Reviewed by a Board of Review

Appendix B - Scope and Requirements of the Report of the Board of Review and Findings

SLE 06-03

Law Enforcement and Security Badges and Credentials

Appendix A - Authorized Personnel and Positions

Appendix B - Procurement and Production of Badges and Credentials

Appendix C - Procedures for Requesting and Issuing Badges and Credentials

Appendix D - Inventory Control and Management of Badges and Credentials

Appendix E - Retention of Badges and Credentials




SLE 06-08

Domestic Violence Disclosure

Appendix A - The Lautenberg Certification

SLE 06-09

Use of Force

Appendix A - Actions Required After Use of Force Incidents

Appendix B - Use of Deadly Force Case Law

SLE 07-01

Emergency Notification System

Appendix A - Reportable Incident Criteria

Appendix B - Definitions

Appendix C - Non Reportable Incident Form

09/13/2011 (minor rev)
WTR 01-01 Administering Water Conservation Plans Pursuant to Statutory and Contractual Requirements 01/17/2003
WTR 01-02

Superseded by WTR TRMR-89

WTR 02-01 Superseded by PEC 07-01  
WTR 03-01 Superseded by WTR P05  
WTR 04-01 Use of Excess Capacity in Reclamation Projects for the Impoundment, Storage, and Carriage of Non-Project Water 11/22/2000
WTR 06-01 Superseded by PEC 12-01
WTR 08-01 Superseded by PEC 05-08
WTR 11-01

Title XVI Water Reclamation and Reuse Program Feasibility Study Review Process

Appendix A - General Title XVI Project Development Process

Appendix B - Title XVI Feasibility Study Report Review Process

03/17/2008 (minor rev)
WTR 11-02 Title XVI Financial Capability Determination Process

Appendix A - Financial Capability Decision Tree

8/31/2015 (minor rev)
WTR 12-01

WaterSMART Grants

Appendix A - Semi-Annual Project Performance Report Template

Appendix B - Semi-Annual Project Performance Report Template

Appendix C - Suggested Final Report Format

Appendix D - Request For A Time Extension Template

Appendix E - Request For A Change In The Project Scope Template

WTR 13-01

Basin Studies

Appendix A - Basin Study Proposal Selection Criteria

Appendix B - Basin Study Checklist

Top of Page

Administrative Series

ACM 01-01

Requirements for Award and Administration of Financial Assistance Agreements (Grants and Cooperative Agreements)

12/28/2015 (minor rev)
ADM 01-01 Committee Management - Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) 10/15/1999
ADM 01-02 Federal Register Documents 10/15/1999
ADM 01-03 Information Collection 10/15/1999
ADM 02-01 Responsibilities for Publication Printing, Publication Distribution, and Reprographics Management 02/12/2002
ADM 02-02 Publication Printing 07/27/2005
ADM 02-03 Publication Distribution 02/12/2002
ADM 02-04 Reprographic Equipment 02/12/2002
ADM 02-05 Application of Visual Identity in Corporate Materials 10/07/2016 (minor rev)
ADM 03-01 News Release and Media 04/29/2004
ADM 03-02 Paid Advertising 10/07/2016 (minor rev)
ADM 03-03 Positions in Professional Public Affairs Positions and Other Related Positions 10/01/2014 (minor rev)
ADM 04-01 Approval and Reporting for Conferences Hosted, Attended, or Co-Sponsored by Bureau of Reclamation Employees

Appendix A - Conference Reporting Matrix

Appendix B - Hosted Conference Memorandum Requesting Department Approval
Word Template

Appendix C - Hosted Conference Memorandum Requesting Deputy Commissioner Approval
Word Template

Appendix D - DOI Multiple City Cost Analysis Worksheet
Word Template

Appendix E - Instructions to Complete DOI Checklist for Evaluation of Proposed Conference

Appendix F - Conference Attendee Cost Worksheet
Excel Template

Appendix G - Report of Actual Conference Costs
Excel Template

Appendix H - Externally-Hosted Conference Memorandum Requesting Department Approval
Word Template

Appendix I - Externally-Hosted Conference Memorandum Requesting Deputy Commissioner Approval
Word Template

Appendix J - Annual Plan of Co-Sponsored Conferences
Excel Template

Appendix K - Co-sponsored Memorandum requesting Deputy Secretary Approval
Word Template

Appendix L - Annual Plan of Anticipated Reclamation-Hosted Conferences
Excel Template

Appendix M - Annual Plan of External Conferences Sponsored by Other Entities and Attended by Reclamation Personnel
Excel Template

12/17/2015 (minor rev)
ADM 05-01 Audiovisual, Multimedia, Still Photography, and Related Equipment 10/07/2016 (minor rev)
ADM 05-02 Exhibit/Displays and Poster Session Displays 10/07/2016 (minor rev)
ADM 05-03 Incorporation of Visual Identity (VI) into Outdoor Public Use Area Signage 10/07/2016 (minor rev)
ADM 05-04 Incorporation of Visual Identity into Building Signage 10/07/2016 (minor rev)
ADM 05-05 Incorporation of Visual Identity (VI) into Identity Markings for Vehicles 10/07/2016 (minor rev)
ADM 05-06 Superseded by PRM 03-01 and SLE 04-01  
ADM 06-01

Non-Monetary Awards

Appendix A - Sample Templates for Tracking Non-Monetary Awards

ADM 06-02

Purchase of Entertainment

Appendix A

ADM 06-03 Deleted 03/29/2016
ADM 07-01

Programmatic Internal Control Program Management

Appendix A - Memorandum: Realignment of Internal Control Program, dated March 19, 2014

Appendix B - List of Acronyms

Appendix C - PICP Process Flowchart

BGT 01-01 Budget Process 09/22/1995
BGT 01-02 General Instructions for Use of Estimates in the Budget Process 09/22/1995
BGT 01-03 Instructions on Budgeting for General Investigations 09/22/1995
BGT 01-04 Instructions on Budgeting for Construction - Estimates, Schedules, and Supporting Documents 09/22/1995
BGT 01-05 Instructions on Budgeting for Operation and Maintenance - Estimates, Schedules, and Supporting Documents 09/22/1995
BGT 01-06 Instructions on the Development of Government-Wide Documents 09/22/1995
BGT 01-07 Budget and Performance Integration and Performance Improvement (BPI/PI) 09/19/2012
BGT 02-01 Instructions on the Allotment and Apportionment of Funds 09/22/1995
BGT 03-01 Instructions on the Process to Make Program Revisions 09/22/1995
BGT 04-01 Area Manager Funds - Criteria 01/17/2001
BGT 04-02 Reclamationwide Program Funding Criteria 03/31/2005
BGT 04-03 Emergency Planning and Disaster Response Program 03/30/2005
BGT 04-04 Examination of Existing Structures (EES) Program 03/31/2005
BGT 04-05 Federal Building Seismic Safety Program 03/30/2005
BGT 04-06 Miscellaneous Flood Control 03/31/2005
BGT 04-07 Operation and Maintenance Program Management 03/31/2005
BGT 05-01

Updating Construction Appropriation Authorization Estimates

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

BGT 09-01

Department Assessments

Appendix A1- Immediate Office of the Secretary and National Business Center Centralized Billing

Appendix A2 - Immediate Office of the Secretary Direct Billing

Appendix B - Budget Object Classification Codes for the Department of Interior (DOI) and Nation Business Center (NBC) Assessments

Appendix C - Departmental Assessment Flow Chart

Appendix D - Glossary

Appendix E - Prevalidation Form

CRM 01-01
Public Civil Rights Complaints

Appendix A - Public Civil Rights Authorities

Appendix B - Notice of Non-discrimination Poster

Appendix C - Contact Sheet

Appendix D - Consent and Privacy Act Release Form

Appendix E - Complaint Form

CRM 02-02

Title VII Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Pre-complaint Processing Evaluations

11/19/2015 (minor rev)


CRM 03-01

Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in Federally Conducted Programs, Activities, and Services (Accessibility Program)

Appendix A - Legislation, Regulation and Policy

Appendix B - Resources

Appendix C - Accessibility Symbols

Appendix D - Nondiscrimination Poster



ETH 05-01 Donations 09/16/2016 (minor rev)
FIN 01-01

Roles and Responsibilities for Bureau of Reclamation Finance and Accounting Reclamation Manual (RM) Releases and Other Guidance

Appendix A - Lead Team Responsibilities

10/24/2014 (minor rev)
FIN 01-02 Development and Maintenance Process for Bureau of Reclamation Finance and Accounting Reclamation Manual (RM) Releases and Discretionary Guidance

Appendix A - Requesting Financial Policy Guidance (Instructions and Form)

09/09/2014 (minor rev)
FIN 02-10

Appropriations - Treasury Symbols and Corresponding Funds

Appendix A - Treasury Symbols/Fund by Treasury Fund Group

Appendix B - Funds by Treasury Symbol

Appendix C - Funds by Fund Type

Appendix D - Central Utah Project Completion Act (CUPCA)

Appendix E - Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission (URMCC)

Appendix F - Federal Financial System (FFS) Funds and Associated Treasury Symbols not Converted to Financial and Business Management System (FBMS)

Appendix G - Department of Energy Memorandum, September 30, 2014

FIN 02-10B Deleted 08/30/2010  
FIN 02-20A Deleted 06/09/2011  
FIN 03-01

Administrative Reviews of Collection Activities

Appendix A - Semi-Annual Internal Review of Collection Activities

Appendix B - Daily Abstract of Remittances

Appendix C - SF-215 Deposit Ticket

Appendix D - SF-5515 Debit Voucher

08/03/2010 (minor rev)
FIN 03-20B Deleted 9/8/2015
FIN 04-20

Master Data and General Ledger (GL) Chart of Accounts

Appendix A.– U.S. Standard General Ledger (USSGL) Basic Six Digit Chart of Accounts

Appendix B – Detailed General Ledger (GL) Chart of Accounts

Appendix C –General Ledger (GL) Account Definitions

Appendix D – Financial Business Management System (FBMS) Project Types

Appendix E – General Ledger (GL) Closing Accounts

Appendix F – Commitment Items (CI) - Budget Object Codes (BOC)

Appendix G – Commitment Items (CI) - Revenue Source Codes (RSC)

FIN 05-01

Accrued Biweekly Payroll and Benefits

06/25/2010 (minor rev)
FIN 05-20-30 Accrued Liabilities 06/16/2003
FIN 06-02

Statement of Project Construction Cost and Repayment (SPCCR)

Appendix A – Commissioner’s Memorandum – Managing for Excellence – Implementation of Team 25 Recommendations

Appendix B – SPCCR Table of Contents

Appendix C – Cost Format and Content Requirements

Appendix D – Repayment Format and Content Requirements

Appendix E – Graphing Format and Content Requirements

Appendix F – Glossary

Appendix G – Reclamation Instructions, Series 480, Part 496 – Statement of Project Construction and Repayment for Reference Purposes

Appendix H – FAST GL Crosswalk to FFS U.S. SGL Accounts

Appendix I – 1988-1997 FFS SGL Account Changes Crosswalk

Appendix J – SPCCR SGL Account Crosswalks between FAST GL Accounts and FFS U.S. SGL Accounts

Appendix K – Crosswalk between FFS SGL Accounts and FBMS SGL and GL Accounts

FIN 06-20A Deleted 06/09/2011  
FIN 06-30A

Repayment of Irrigation Contracts

Appendix A - Accounting Entries - Repayment Contracts

FIN 06-30B Superseded by FIN 06-31
FIN 06-30C Superseded by FIN 06-32
FIN 06-31 Interest Rates for Interest During Construction (IDC) and Interest on Investment (IOI)

Appendix A - Secretarial Order 2929, Standard Repayment Interest Rate Formula for New Federal Power Projects and System Transmission Facilities

Appendix B - Department of Energy Memorandum dated September 1, 1983

FIN 06-32

Interest on Investment (IOI)

Appendix A - Procedures for Computing IOI for Investments Repaid from Revenue

FIN 07-10 Deposit of Cash Receipts 10/08/2014 (minor rev)
FIN 07-20 Superseded by FIN TRMR-93
FIN 07-20B-9 Deleted 08/30/2010  
FIN 07-20-10 Superseded by FIN 07-21
FIN 07-20-20 Superseded by FIN 07-23
FIN 07-21

Interest During Construction (IDC)

Appendix A - Interest During Construction (IDC) Computation Spreadsheet Instructions

Excel Template

Appendix B - Planning Instruction Memorandums

Appendix C - Interest Rates for Fiscal Year 2015

Appendix D - Memorandum of Understanding Between U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

FIN 07-22

Plant Accounting - Land

Appendix A - Glossary

07/02/2010 (minor rev)
FIN 07-23 Depreciation and Amortization 02/10/2016
FIN 07-24

Superseded by FIN TRMR-92

FIN 07-26

Superseded by FIN TRMR-91

FIN 07-30

Deleted 03/08/2016 - see FIN 07-24

FIN 07-32

Computer Software Costs

Appendix A - Software in Development Analysis Form

Appendix B - Transfer to Internal Use Software

09/17/2010 (minor rev)
FIN 08-02 Minimum Bill Amount 07/31/2014 (minor rev)
FIN 08-20

Tracking and Write-Off of Delinquent Accounts Receivable

Attachment - Definitions of Overdue Status Codes

Appendix A - Sample Letter

Appendix B - Sample Repayment Agreement

Appendix C - Sample Request to Add/Update/Delete Debt Treasury Offset/Debt Servicing Program

Appendix D - Sample Certification Debt Collection

Appendix E - Request for Authorization for Write-Off of Bill for Collection

FIN 08-30 Estimating the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts and Loans Receivable 07/02/2004
FIN 13-01

Temporary Duty Extended (TDE) - Travel

Appendix A - Definitions and Terminology

Appendix B - Increased Per Diem Cost Justification Requirements for Temporary Duty Extended (TDE) Travel

09/22/2016 (minor rev)
FIN 15-10

Working Capital Fund (WCF) Roles and Responsibilities, and Major Management Elements

Appendix A - Working Capital Fund Authorizing Legislation

Appendix B - Glossary of Terms and Reference Documents

Appendix C - Working Capital Fund (WCF) Functional Areas

Appendix D - Working Capital Fund (WCF), Fund Balance with Treasury (FBWT) Transfers

Appendix E - Working Capital Fund (WCF) Increases to Budget

HRM 01-01 Bureau of Reclamation Learning and Employee Development Program 08/01/2014
HRM 02-01

Qualification Requirements (Medical)

Appendix A - Positions with OPM Established Medical Standards

Appendix B - Example of Job Analysis to Support Physical Requirements

Appendix C - Arduous Positions (Pre-Employment Physical Exams Required)

Appendix D - Example Form

Appendix E - Routine Uses Allowed For Employee Medical File System Records

HRM 02-02

Workers’ Compensation (WC) Program

Appendix A - Certifications of Discrepancy Resolution and Accurate Chargeback Report

HRM 03-01

Employee Exit Surveys

04/08/2015 (minor rev)
HRM 04-01

New Employee Orientation Program

Appendix A - Employee Survival Kit

Appendix B - Orientation Checklist (Human Resources and Supervisor)

Appendix C - Orientation Checklist (Sponsor)

Appendix D - Orientation Checklist (30-Day Evaluation)

Appendix E - Orientation Checklist (6-Month Evaluation)

Appendix F - New Employee Orientation Training Agenda (sample)

HRM 04-02

Obtaining Private Sector Temporary Help Services

Appendix A - Determination of Workload Requirements for Temporary Services

Appendix B - Contracting Officer's Representative (without warrant) Memorandum

11/03/2014 (minor rev)
HRM 04-03 Clearance Process for Positions Graded GS-14 and Higher 05/13/2016 (minor rev)
HRM 04-04 Pre-Recruitment Consultation 04/17/2015 (minor rev)
HRM 04-05 Hiring Process-Delegated Examining 06/11/2014 (minor rev)
HRM 04-06 Recruitment, Relocation, and Retention Incentives and Flexibilities Related to Creditable Service for Leave Accruals 07/13/2015 (minor rev)
HRM 04-07 Student Loan Repayment Benefit (SLRB) Program 08/01/2014
HRM 04-08 Hiring Process-Merit Promotion 09/27/2013
HRM 04-11 Priority Placement Plan (PPP) 11/25/2015
HRM 04-12

Employee Wellness/Fitness Reimbursement Program

Appendix A - Report of Taxable Fringe Benefits, Form No. 7-2661

HRM 05-01 Professional Registration for Engineers and Architects 05/17/2002
HRM 06-01

Reasonable Accommodation for Persons with Disabilities

Appendix A - Request of a Reasonable Accommodation Template

Appendix B - Reasonable Accommodation Information Reporting Template

HRM 07-01

Performance Management

Timeline and Process for Performance Management

HRM 07-02

Labor-Management Negotiations

Appendix A - ER/LR: Labor D&S Negotiations Process

Appendix B - Interim Delegation for Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs)

HRM 08-01 Superseded by ETH 05-01
HRM 09-01

Deleted 04/04/2014

HRM 11-01 Telework

Appendix A - Telework Codes and Indicators to be used in the Electronic Time and Attendance System (E-TAS)

HRM 11-02

Work Schedules (WSs) and Hours of Work

Appendix A - Comparison of Work Schedule Options

Appendix B - Tour of Duty Request Form

Fillable Form 7-2640

Appendix C - Index of Laws, Regulations, and Other References Related to Pay Administration and Premium Pay

HRM 12-01

Honor Awards

Appendix A - Template DI-451

Appendix B - Processing Honor Awards

Appendix C - Formatting Honor Awards

Appendix D - Signature Blocks on the DI-451 for Department and Reclamation Honor Awards

11/20/2014 (minor rev)
HRM 15-02 Employee Classification Appeals and Classification Validation Requests

Appendix A - Template Consistency Review – Employee Classification Appeals or Classification Validation Requests

Word Template

IRM 01-01 Deleted 8/19/2015
IRM 02-01 Deleted 09/06/2006  
IRM 02-02 Managing Information, Records, and Data Designated FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO) 07/01/2013 (minor rev)
IRM 03-01 Reclamation Information Technology (IT) Investment Management Framework 08/24/2016(minor rev)
IRM 08-01 Deleted 04/12/2002  
IRM 08-02 Deleted 07/11/2012  
IRM 08-03 Deleted 07/11/2012  
IRM 08-04 Deleted 07/11/2012  
IRM 08-05 Deleted 07/11/2012  
IRM 08-06 Deleted 07/11/2012  
IRM 08-07 Deleted 07/11/2012  
IRM 08-08 Deleted 07/11/2012  
IRM 08-09 Deleted 07/11/2012  
IRM 08-10 Deleted 07/11/2012  
IRM 08-12 Deleted 07/11/2012  
IRM 08-13

Reclamation Information Technology (IT) Security Program (ITSP): IT Asset Disposal – Information Sanitization

Appendix A - Form 7-2538, Computer Equipment Disposal Certification

Appendix B - Form 7-2538A, Computer Equipment Disposal Certification Label

07/20/2016 (minor rev)
IRM 08-14 Deleted 07/11/2012  
IRM 08-15 Deleted 07/11/2012  
IRM 08-16 Deleted 07/11/2012  
IRM 08-17 Deleted 07/11/2012  
IRM 08-18 Personal Computer (PC) Life Cycle Management 10/22/2012 (minor rev)
PRM 01-01 Deleted 01/09/2014
PRM 03-01 Bureau of Reclamation Uniform Program for Service and Administrative (S&A) Uniforms 06/01/2012 (minor rev)
RCD 01-01 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 09/30/2013 (minor rev)
RCD 01-02 Privacy Act 10/15/1999
RCD 02-01 Correspondence Management 07/01/2013 (minor rev)
RCD 03-01

Reclamation Manual Release Procedures.

Appendix A - Process for Originating, Reviewing, and Issuing a Reclamation Manual Release

Appendix B - Sample Memorandum Requesting Internal Review and Comment
Word Template

Appendix C - Sample Purpose Statement for External Comment
Word Template

Appendix D - Formatting Templates for Policy, Directives and Standards, Temporary Reclamation Manual Releases, and Appendices
Word Template Policy
Word Template Directive and Standard
Word Template Temporary Reclamation Manual Release
Word Template Appendix

Appendix E - Reclamation Manual Formatting Requirements

Appendix F - Samples of Completed Reclamation Manual Routing, Approval, and Transmittal Forms
Reclamation Manual Routing Slip - Print on Purple Card Stock
Reclamation Manual Approval Form
Reclamation Manual Transmittal Sheet

Appendix G - Citing Authorities in Reclamation Manual Releases

Appendix H - Sample of Completed Reclamation Manual Review and Certification Form
Reclamation Manual Review and Certification Form

Appendix I - Sample Memorandum Approving Minor Revisions
Word Template


04/13/2015 (minor rev)
RCD 03-02 Departmental Manual 01/22/2015 (minor rev)
RCD 03-03 Request for Deviation from a Reclamation Manual Requirement and Approval or Disapproval of Request

Appendix A - Sample Memorandum Requesting Deviation from Reclamation Manual Policy

Appendix B - Sample Memorandum Requesting Deviation from Reclamation Manual Directive and Standard

04/13/2015 (minor rev)
RCD 04-01 Engineering Drawings Management 07/01/2013 (minor rev)
RCD 05-01 Information Management 02/11/2015 (minor rev)
RCD 05-02 Audiovisual Media Management 04/15/2015 (minor rev)
RCD 06-01 Mail Management 08/01/2014 (minor rev)
RCD 07-01 Electronic Mail (E-Mail) Messages as Official Records 07/01/2013 (minor rev)
SAF 01-01 Occupational Safety and Health Directive - General 01/26/2010 (minor rev)
SAF 01-02 Safety and Occupational Health (SOH) - Accident Investigation and Reporting 06/08/2015 (minor rev)
SAF 01-03 Superseded by SAF 02-01  
SAF 01-04

Motor Vehicle Safety Program

Appendix A - Form 7-2632, Annual Motor Vehicle Operator’s Certification

Appendix B - Form 7-2633, Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Checklist

06/08/2015 (minor rev)
SAF 01-05 Occupational Safety and Health – Diving Safety 02/22/2008
SAF 01-06

Workplace Safety Inspection and Abatement

Appendix A - Risk Assessment System (RAS) Risk Assessment Codes (RACs) Matrix

Appendix B - Sample Inspection Checklist

Appendix C - Reclamation Report of Unsafe or Unheathful Condition

Appendix D - Acronyms and Definitions

05/10/2013 (minor rev)
SAF 02-01 Safety and Occupational Health – Exposure Assessment 09/13/2011
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Last Updated: 12/23/16