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Our Values
BPA's Environmental Policy

BPA strives to be a good steward of the Northwest environment, conserving the region’s natural resources for future generations, conducting its activities to minimize impacts, promoting sustainability, pollution prevention, and waste minimization in compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations, and continuously improving its practices through environmental monitoring and adaptive management.

From the BPA Manual , 7/10/2012 
​BPA helped fund this project to restore habitat in Eastern Oregon’s Umatilla River, creating more natural floodplains for fish spawning and rearing. Partners included the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation.
Our goals for Environment, Fish and Wildlife work
  • ​Develop policies and strategies for meeting BPA’s environmental, fish and wildlife, and cultural resource responsibilities through cost effective solutions.
  • Ensure all BPA business functions are carried out in compliance with established environmental laws, rules, and legal mandates, and in a collaborative and cost effective manner.
  • Carry out regional coordination of agency environmental activities through collaborative relationships with other federal agencies, Indian tribes, the Power Council, BPA customers, state and local governments, congressional delegations and committees, natural resource groups, and the public.


Trustworthy Stewardship

Collaborative Relationships

Operational Excellence