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Environmental Stewardship
​As neighbors, professionals, and fellow stewards of the Pacific Northwest's natural resources, BPA’s dedicated staff strive to continually improve the environmental performance of our power, transmission, and fish and wildlife activities. Environmental Services works to ensure that our activities are in compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations and that the public is informed and involved in BPA's business decisions that may affect our environment.

Environmental Services integrates environmental stewardship into BPA business activities, ensuring that the environment is taken into account from the earliest stages of planning and that our projects are legally defensible, feasible and scientifically sound. This includes assessing potential effects of our proposed actions on air, water, wetlands, endangered species, cultural resources, the social environment, and economies and including appropriate mitigation and environmental protections in agency decisions.  We conduct annual audits of our environmental protection requirements to determine effectiveness at protecting resources and continuously improve our practices based upon findings.

Environmental Services works closely with numerous Federal and State agencies, Tribes, landowners, and the public to protect and recover endangered species, protect and preserve our cultural resources, and reduce impacts to wetlands, air, water, and the human environment.