U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Emblem U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Salmon of the West
What is a salmon?
Why are salmon in trouble?
Who is in charge?
Voices of the West
Wild/Hatchery: a difference?
Why you should care
What is the FWS doing?
What you can do

What is the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service doing about salmon?

Salmon Jumping in WaterfallThe Pacific Region of the Fish and Wildlife Service conducts a wide array of fish and wildlife resource management and restoration activities in the West that benefit salmon restoration and recovery. We are one of the few federal agencies funded to implement restoration activities across the landscape.
We fund or operate more than 45 fish hatcheries and associated production facilities that are:

  • Coordinating with habitat restoration and harvest management efforts to assist in rebuilding naturally spawning populations of salmon and steelhead;
  • Phasing locally adapted stocks into our hatchery broodstocks and changing management practices to ensure hatchery operations are compatible with wild stock protection;
  • Developing captive broodstock and stocking programs to recover threatened and endangered species;
  • Continuing to release more than 200 million fish annually to meet federal fishery mitigation responsibilities.

We implement more than 30 on-the-ground habitat restoration programs protecting and conserving aquatic, estuarine, wetland and associated terrestrial habitats, such as:

  • Instream flow conservation, fish passage improvement and fish screening programs for important river systems such as the Columbia, Snake, Yakima, Sacramento, Trinity, and others;
  • The Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program, which works with local land owners to protect and restore habitat on agricultural land;
  • Our Coastal Program, which works to restore habitat in coastal and estuarine areas
  • An environmental contaminants program that works with other state and federal agencies to mitigate for environmental impacts;
  • Our National Wildlife Refuge efforts to protect and restore important salmon habitats

    We provide scientific support, data analysis and funding in many salmon harvest management forums to ensure harvest is managed appropriately to conserve wild and hatchery stocks and meet federal obligations to conserve anadromous fish species and trust responsibilities to Native American tribes.

Education ProgramTo learn more explore these links:

Lower Columbia River Fish Health Center

Columbia River Fisheries Program Office

Federal Caucus on Salmon Recovery

FWS's Pacific Region Fishery Resources Program

To learn more about the nine federal agencies responsible for salmon recovery see these links:

Federal Caucus on Salmon Recovery - The Agencies of the Federal Caucus and their Responsibilities


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