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The Weatherization Assistance Program: A Client's Story


Below is the text version for the "The Weatherization Assistance Program: A Client's Story" video.

The video opens with a shot of the front of a ranch home. It pans through an image of a plaque presented to Len and Claudette Jones from her neighbors, given to them for their work to improve the neighborhood, before shifting to an elderly woman sitting in a living room.

Claudette Jones: Homeowner, WAP Recipient

My name is Claudette Jones and we've had this house since 1973. I had furnace problems... I had a hot water heater problem... I used that stove a lot to keep the house warm. It wasn't really comfortable in any way. And then I met Carlos.

The video turns across the room to face a man sitting in a chair.

Carlos Espinoza: Energy Resource Center, WAP Provider

My name is Carlos Espinoza and I work with Energy Resource Center. I've been involved with the WAP for six years now. I actually used to be an HVAC contractor. So instead of going out and basically charging people I wanted to help people and this was a great opportunity.

Miss Jones, we actually met back in December of last year and she was having issues with her heater; she didn't have any heat in the house.

We made contact and I came out to visit her; I brought an application. She had just signed up for the LEAP program so they were checking on her furnace…

Text appears on the screen: LEAP = Low-Income Energy Assistance Program.

…the contractor already told her that it was leaking carbon monoxide and it had a cracked heat exchanger so they were going to replace it.

I also found out that she had no hot water. She was actually moving water from her stove that she was warming up in buckets on her walker and taking it back to the tub to actually take a quick bath.

For heat she actually had one space heater that she was using and it wasn't working very good because it would come on and off so quick so she basically had to move it from room to room to heat that room that she was going to be in.

And I said yeah, we need to help you as quick as possible so we got her to fill out the application for the Weatherization Assistance Program.

We were able to approve it right away and within five days we were out here, we did the energy audit, and Miss Jones, I mean she ended up getting a furnace, water heater… We came in and did the insulation. Like she said, she's lived in this house for over 40 years and she never knew that she didn't have any insulation in her attic.

And all this costs her absolutely nothing. And you can tell right away in the house that it's nice and warm.

Claudette Jones

I'm really happy with it. I feel safer now.

Carlos Espinoza

So we know there's a lot of clients out there, there's a lot of people that still need help, that can use the Weatherization Assistance Program and hopefully they can take advantage of it.

Claudette Jones

I would like to say that people should call and find out about this information and ask for help because I never even knew they could do this.

But believe me...they were wonderful.

Carlos Espinoza

Right after we were done, just seeing her smile... that pays me a million times more than what I used to do before.