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Bristol Bay

Bristol Bay

Proposal to protect the Bristol Bay watershed

EPA Region 10 initiated a process to protect one of the world’s most valuable salmon fisheries, in Bristol Bay, Alaska, from the risks posed by a mine at the Pebble deposit.

Diagram showing decision milestones for Bristol Bay 404c process

Bristol Bay Assessment

EPA's final assessment of the potential impacts of large-scale mining development on Bristol Bay fisheries and wildlife, and on Alaska Native cultures of the region.

Comment period closed

The public comment period on our proposal ended on September 19, 2014.

What is 404(c)?

EPA has authority under Section 404(c) of the Clean Water Act to protect valuable areas from harmful discharges. Learn more about the 404(c) process

Watershed map

EPA is proposing to protect Bristol Bay's fishery from potential mining impacts within the Kvichak and Nushagak River watersheds.