Women's Health

In this section you can learn more about many of the cancers that commonly affect women, and about what you can do to help protect yourself and your loved ones.

Cancer Facts for Women

Knowing about the most common cancers that affect women and how you might lower your risk or find them early may help save your life or the life of someone you love.

Cancer Facts for Lesbians and Bisexual Women

Lesbians and bisexual women have many of the same cancer risks as other women. But they may also face some additional challenges, such as increased risks for certain types of cancer and barriers to getting the health care they need. Learn more in this brief guide.

Non-cancerous Breast Conditions

Non-cancerous (benign) breast conditions are very common and can be found in most women. Here we review some of the signs and symptoms of benign breast conditions and how they are found and diagnosed. We also discuss some of the more common benign breast conditions.

Medicines to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

In women at increased risk of breast cancer, drugs such as tamoxifen and raloxifene have been shown to reduce the risk, but these drugs can have their own risks and side effects. Other drugs and dietary supplements that may help lower risk are also being studied. Here you'll find information that can help you decide if taking one of these drugs is right for you.

Early Detection of Specific Cancers

Here you'll find guides that discuss the risk factors, prevention, and early detection of some of the cancers that commonly affect women, including breast, cervical, colorectal, and skin cancers.