PSD Gridded Climate Datasets: Surface Temperature

DatasetsDescriptionOPeNDAP CatalogRSS
CRU Air Temperature and Combined Air Temperature/Marine Anomalies V3 Global gridded (5°x5°) monthly anomalies of observed air temperature and combined observed air and marine temperature (HADCRU3) from the mid 1800's to the present. Catalog rss feed
CRU Air Temperature and Combined Air Temperature/Marine Anomalies V4 Global gridded (5°x5°) monthly anomalies of observed air temperature and combined observed air and marine temperature (HADCRU4) from the mid 1800's to near present.Current version is V4.2.0 which was put out 5/9/2013. Catalog N/A
GFS Model Output A dataset of historical weather forecasts generated with a fixed numerical model. Daily forecasts are comprised of a 15 day, 15-member ensemble and include surface and pressure level variables. N/A N/A
GHCN Version 3 Land Temperature Dataset GHCN V3 contains gridded temperature anomalies calculated from the GHCN version 3 monthly temperature data set. Catalog N/A
NOAA GHCN_CAMS Land Temperature Analysis GHCN CAMS is a high resolution (0.5x0.5) analyzed global land surface temperatures from 1948 to near present. Catalog N/A
GISS surface temperature analysis Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS/NASA) surface temperature analysis for the globe; globally gridded at a 2x2 resolution. Catalog rss feed
NCEP GODAS ocean analysis High Resolution Multi-level ocean analysis from NCEP Catalog rss feed
ICOADS Global surface marine data from 1800 to near the present summarized in monthly gridded formats (2°x2° boxes, or 1°x1° boxes from 1960 forward), and offering a variety of statistics. Catalog N/A
Livneh daily CONUS near-surface gridded meteorological and derived hydrometeorological! This CONUS daily dataset from 1915 to 2011 is 1/16 resolution. The dataset variables have been generated using the Variable Infiltration Capacity VIC hydrologic model v.4.1.2.c which was driven with the companion meteorological data. Catalog N/A
MSU Two Microwave Sounding Unit tropospheric temperatures and daily average precipitation available in a global grid (2.5°x2.5°). Catalog N/A
NCEP Operational Analysis NCEP's twice-daily global analysis at 2.5° resolution on pressure levels which is a product of their operational forecast system. Catalog
NCEP Marine Marine data gathered by NCEP summarized into ICOADS-compatible (2°x2° box) statistics. Production of this dataset at PSD was phased out effective in Mar. 2011 (thus data cover 1991-Feb. 2011). Catalog rss feed
NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis A state-of-the-art analysis/forecast system is used to perform data assimilation using data from 1948 to the present. Catalog rss feed
NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Products Derived at PSD A subset of the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis has been processed to create monthly means of the original data, and in some cases, derived variables or other statistics. Catalog rss feed
NCEP/DOE Reanalysis II A state-of-the-art analysis/forecast system is used to perform data assimilation using data from 1979 through 2003. A large subset of this data is available from PSD in its original 4 times daily format and as daily averages. Catalog rss feed
NOAA Extended Reconstructed SST V4 new! A global monthly SST analysis from 1854 to the present derived from ICOADS data with missing data filled in by statistical methods. Catalog rss feed
NOAA Global Surface Temperature (NOAAGlobalTemp) Monthly gridded anomalies of air temperature from the GHCN-M and the NOAA ERSST V4 dataset. Catalog N/A
NOAA Optimum Interpolation (OI) SST V2 Produced weekly on a 1° grid. The analysis uses in situ and satellite SST's plus SST's simulated by sea-ice cover. Before the analysis is computed, the satellite data is adjusted for biases. Monthly and monthly long-term means are also available. Catalog rss feed
North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) NCEP's high resolution combined model and assimilated dataset. It covers 1979 to near present and is provided 8-times daily, daily and monthly on a Northern Hemisphere Lambert Conformal Conic grid for all variables. Catalog N/A
NOAA-CIRES 20th Century Reanalysis (V2) 20th Century Reanalysis contains objectively-analyzed 4-dimensional weather maps and their uncertainty from the late 19th century to 21st century.Catalog N/A
NOAA-CIRES 20th Century Reanalysis (V2c) new! NOAA-CIRES 20th Century Reanalysis V2c contains objectively-analyzed 4-dimensional weather maps and their uncertainty from the mid 19th century to 21st century.Catalog N/A
U. of Delaware Precipitation and Air Temperature Monthly global gridded high resolution station (land) data for air temperature and precipitation from 1900-2014. Catalog N/A