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Low Income Efficiency
Regional Low Income Energy Efficiency Workgroup​​

As part of Post-2011-Review, BPA agreed to convene a low income energy efficiency workgroup. The structure was largely undefined by the Post-2011 Review workgroup’s(Workgroup 3) recommendation.  BPA agreed to convene meetings quarterly. The workgroup provided a list of challenges and opportunities to serve as a starting point.

Mission: The Northwest Public Power Regional Low-income Energy Efficiency Work Group aims to share information and develop best practices in order to increase low income residents’ access to and uptake of energy efficiency services across the Northwest.

• Provide venue for utilities, advocates, and other organizations to come together.
• Increase knowledge of CAP and utility business activities.
• Find simple solutions to streamlining reporting between organizations (CAPs, utilities)
• Identify barriers and solutions to increasing low income access to EE programs.
Please contact the facilitator, Summer Goodwin, BPA EE, for more information,, 503-230-3158.
All BPA-served public utilities in the region, low income advocacy groups, community action partnerships (CAPs), Tribal governments, state energy offices and other interested parties are invited. There is an “open door” policy. All meetings will be posted to our events page here.
Low Income Energy Efficiency Quick Start Guide (second edition, November 2016)
Meeting Materials

Meeting #9, January 31, 2017, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Seattle, Washington
add the meeting to your calendar

Meeting #8, October 6, 2016 in Portland, Oregon
Multifamily Requirements
DHP Costs
MPower Getting to Yes
USDOE for Multifamily DHP
Multiple Unit DHP Case Study
Mutltifamily Duct Sealing Case Study
Meeting Notes

Meeting #7, June 15, 2016 in Tacoma, Washington
Healthy Homes Presentation
Low-Income Measures Presentation
Meeting Notes

​Meeting #6, February 24, 2016 in Portland, Oregon
Update from BPA Presentation
ReHome Oregon Presentation
ReHome One Pager
Meeting Notes

​Meeting #5, November 5, 2015 in Portland, Oregon
BPA Low Income Benchmarking and October 2015 IM Updates Presentation
Side by Side Comparison of BPA Measures and DOE
Tacoma Power Ductless Heatpump Presentation
link to Northwest Power and Conservation Council Public Comment on Draft 7th Power Plan webpage
Meeting Notes

Meeting #4, July 21, 2015 in Pasco, Washington
Community Action Program of East Central Oregon Presentation
Manufactured Homes - Trends and Changes presenation
Local Utility Low Income Program - Benton PUD
Meeting Notes

Meeting #3, April 20, 2015 in Portland, Oregon
Overview of Idaho’s Weatherization Program
Revisions to the Low Income Section of the Implementation Manual (April 2015)
Tacoma Power Weatherization Program                                                                                                   
Example of Utility/CAP Contract
Example of Checklist for CAPs Talking to Utilities
Examples of EE Projects and the Required Reporting When Using Utility EEI                                                        
Meeting Notes

Meeting #2, January 27, 2015
BPA LIEE Grant Program
State LIEE Presentation
LIEE Measures Presentation
Meeting Notes

Meeting #1, November 6, 2014
Meeting Slides
Proposed Structure
LIEE Grant Program and Handout
Residential LIEE Program
Meeting Notes 

​Low Income Energy Efficiency Resources
​Tribal Low Income Energy Efficiency Grant Program

​The Bonneville Power Administration has a Low Income Energy Efficiency grant program, with funding set aside to be utilized specifically by tribal members for weatherization and some appliances. Grant amounts vary (typically from $5,000-$100,000) and can be used on a variety of programs options.

Qualified households must fulfill the following requirements:
• Homes must have electric heat as their primary heat source (does not have to be working).
• Homes must be occupied by a member of a federally recognized tribe.
• Homes must be located in a public utility service territory served by BPA.
• Households must be low income, as defined by federal standards (LIHEAP qualification lists are applicable)

Tribal Low Income Energy Efficiency Grant Application (FY2017)

If you would like to learn more about this program, please email Carrie Nelson,