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Acropora palmata thicket on Mona Island, Puerto Rico. Andy Bruckner, 1996Coho salmon painting, Canadian Dept of Fisheries and OceansMonk seal, C.E. BowlbyHumpback whale, Dr. Lou Herman
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Prescott Grant Emergency Award Submission


What is considered an "emergency" award?
A portion of funds is available to make emergency assistance available for catastrophic stranding events throughout the year on an as-needed basis. Responders to such stranding events should immediately contact their Regional Office.

How do I apply for emergency funds?
If you need emergency assistance funding, please follow the requirements for submitting proposals under the emergency assistance component of the 2012 Prescott Grant Program described in Full Funding Opportunity [pdf].

Whale Museum photo
Prescott funds helped provide disentanglement training for Whale Museum staff
Photo: NMFS Northwest Regional Office

Who has received emergency funds? (sorted by year)

State Applicant Title Funding
Whale Museum
A-73 Rehabilitation and Post-Release Monitoring
Whale Museum
A-73 Rehabilitation and Post-Release Monitoring
Cape Cod Stranding Network
Emergency Reimbursement for Pilot Whale (G. melas) Mass Stranding on Cape Cod, July 2002
Marine Mammal Conservancy
Emergency Assistance Component of the 2003/ 2004 Prescott Grant for the Mass Stranding and Rehabilitation of 5 Pilot Whales in Big Pine Key, FL
Marine Mammal Conservancy
Rehabilitation of 26 Steno bredanensis from the Mass Stranding Event in Marathon, FL, March 2005
Mote Marine Laboratory
Emergency Care, Rehabilitation and Post-Release Monitoring Following Mass Stranding of Rough-Toothed Dolphins at the Dolphin and Whale Hospital
Riverhead Foundation for Marine Research and Preservation
NY3175-2005/ St581Gg Rehabilitation and Release Emergency Funding Request
University of California, Santa Cruz
Emergency Request for Enhancement of Stranding Response at University of California, Santa Cruz, Long Marine Laboratory to Enable Live Cetacean Rehabilitation
Hawaii Pacific University
Increasing Cetacean Necropsy Capabilities in the Main Hawaiian Islands
Maine Department of Marine Resources
Emergency Funds for the Development and Implementation of the Maine Department of Marine Resources (DMR) Marine Mammal Stranding Program
Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network
Emergency Response to the Effects of Hurricane Rita on the Gulf Coast of Louisiana
The Marine Mammal Center
Rescue of an Injured Cow-Calf Pair of Humpback Whales from the Sacramento River Delta
Sea Research Foundation, Inc.
Emergency Support for Expanded Pinniped Rehabilitation at Mystic Aquarium
Maine Department of Marine Resources
Continued Development of the Maine Department of Marine Resources Marine Mammal Stranding Program
University of New England
Maximizing Rehabilitation Resources at the University of New England Marine Animal Rehabilitation Center
Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center Foundation
Support for Diagnostic Necropsies of Stranded Right Whales in the Western North Atlantic
The Marine Mammal Center
Emergency Response to Extraordinary California Sea Lion Stranding Event Along the California Coast
Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network
Support for Essential Marine Mammal Recovery and Rehabilitation Equipment Lost in Hurricane Ike and Emergency Support for Out of Habitat Capture Following Hurricane Ike
Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center Foundation
Building a New Stranding Network in Northern North Carolina
North Slope Borough
Emergency Funds to Support Coastal Surveys and Stranded Marine Mammal Incidents on the North Slope of Alaska
University of Alaska, Anchorage
Arctic Seal Disease Investigation
Audubon Nature Institute, Inc.
Enhancing Necropsy Capacity for Gulf of Mexico Unusual Mortality Event Response

Updated: May 10, 2012

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