
Do you know which bird dives the fastest or the biggest animal that eats meat? Meet lots of “wildlife champs” inside the pages of this coloring book, complete with a glossary and a map of the Refuge System.

Cover of Wildlife Champs Coloring Book.

Cover of Wildlife Champs Coloring Book.

This National Wildlife Refuge System coloring book includes eagles, caterpillars, ladybugs and birds, crocodiles and bison – all of whom find a home on a national wildlife refuge. Look for Theodore Roosevelt, the president who created the first national wildlife refuge more than 100 years ago. Also find the blue goose, emblem of the Refuge System, hidden on the pages of the coloring book.


Neighborhood Explorers is an online game created by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Explore the tree house and learn about endangered species, conservation heroes and threats to the natural world. Win gold, silver or bronze patches by scoring points online and creating projects to help the environment.