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By researching and supporting efficient new technologies BPA can help provide a power resource, meet carbon reduction goals, promote energy independence while investing in the economic future of the Northwest.
Smart Grid​ Smart grid can monitor activity on the power system in real time, exchange data about energy supply and demand while modifying power use during times of high load requirements. ​
Demand Response​ Demand response tools help utilities level out the spikes of energy consumption during times of peak use, such as in the morning when people wake up and turn on lights and appliances.​
Energy Efficiency Emerging Technologies​ BPA’s Emerging Technologies for Energy Efficiency (E3T) initiative is an effort to identify promising new efficient technologies. Through research and demonstration, we select for those technologies with greatest potential efficiency benefits to the region. ​
Behavior Based Programs 

Behavior based energy efficiency programs focus on energy savings resulting from changes in individual or organizational behavior and decision-making.​
Energy Efficiency Technology Roadmapping ​The BPA Technology Innovation Office manages the Agency’s Energy Efficiency Technology Roadmappingtechnology research and development portfolio. BPA’s research agenda is guided, in part, by technology roadmaps in Energy Efficiency and other critical business areas.