Environmental Monitoring at the Sotenäs Wave Energy Park

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Research Study Annex IV

Environmental Monitoring at the Sotenäs Wave Energy Park
Start Date:
January 01, 2014
Technology Type:
Info Updated:
October 03, 2014
Study Status: 
In Progress
Princple Investigator Contact Information: 

Name: Jan Sundberg, Environmental manager, Seabased Industry AB

Address: Seabased Industry AB, Sylveniusgatan 5D, S-754 50 Uppsala, Sweden

Phone: +46 18 504 815

Email: jan@seabased.com

Project Description: 

The purpose of the environmental studies being undertaken at the Sotenäs wave energy park is to follow up expected, known possible stressors/receptors, follow up new findings, and with “new” monitoring techniques. The project was conditioned with four specific study/control programs considering eventual effects from: under water noise, seabed changes, population alterations in (1) Norwegian lobster and (2) fish in general within the projects area.

Funding Source: 

Fortum AB – project owner

Location of Research: 

The Sotenäs Wave Energy Park, ca 130 km north of Gothenburg, Swedish west coast in the Skagerrak/North Sea.

Related Publications: 

Annual reports to regulating authorities, and scientific publications.

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