Frequent Questions

How will the Modification of the Hazardous Waste Manifest System Final Rule affect waste handlers' ability to obtain blank manifest forms?

The final rule establishes a standard (nationally uniform) RCRA manifest form that will be required in every state, tribal, and US territorial jurisdiction. This replaces the current approach, which requires states to implement the federal format (the Uniform Manifest Form 8700-22 and 22A), but allows each state to vary the federal format slightly and to limit distribution of their specific manifest forms to members of their regulated communities. The current approach results in many waste handlers having to obtain multiple manifest forms and follow multiple data formats for each of the various states in which they transport hazardous wastes.

Under the final rule, varying state-specific manifest formats will be eliminated, and the revised manifest form can be obtained from a greater number of registered sources (i.e., states, commercial printers, and waste handlers who register with EPA to print and distribute forms).

The final rule will require that all manifest forms be printed to a precise federal printing specification to assure uniformity and quality. Moreover, each form must have a unique preprinted manifest tracking number that will identify a waste shipment individually in all tracking systems.

Additional information on the manifest may be found at the following URL:

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