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Office of the Ombudsman

What is the Office of the Ombudsman?

The Office of the Ombudsman is an independent, neutral, confidential and informal resource available to all Department of Energy (DOE) federal employees. The Ombudsman staff increases organizational focus on mission critical activities by helping senior leaders, managers, supervisors, and staff to:

  • Minimize unwarranted distractions in the workplace
  • Increase employee engagement
  • Expeditiously address individual and organization matters.

In addition, the Office elevates systemic issues and shares conflict prevention strategies with senior leaders when appropriate.

Services include:

  • Coaching
  • Facilitations
  • Organizational Transformation Consultations
  • Referrals
  • Team Building and Group Support
  • Training/Education

Who can benefit?

The Office of the Ombudsman provides service to all DOE federal employees.

When should I contact the office of the Ombudsman?

A few examples include when you…

  • Are uncertain about where to take a workforce problem
  • Would like to discuss strategies for preventing, managing, and resolving conflicts
  • Want an independent facilitator to assist you or your group in addressing workplace challenges

An Ombudsman does not:

  • Serve as an advocate for any employees
  • Conduct formal investigations
  • Serve as a witness or testify in formal proceedings
  • Accept or provide official notice of an alleged violation
  • Serve as part of any formal grievance or complaint process
  • Issue investigative reports
  • Make or change policy or administrative decisions
  • Make binding decisions


For More Information about the Office of Ombudsman please contact, (202) 586-0500, or visit us in the Forrestal Building, Room 1G-053.