U.S. Department of Energy Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy U.S. Department of Energy Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy


Use the glossary to access terms and definitions related to residential energy efficiency programs. Click the letters below to find your terms. Letters that do not appear currently do not have glossary terms related to them.

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Ratepayer Impact Measure Test (RIM)

A cost-effectiveness test that examines the impact of energy efficiency programs on utility rates. The costs included in the RIM are program overhead and incentive payments and the cost of lost revenues due to reduced sales from energy efficiency implementation. The benefits included in the RIM are the avoided costs of energy saved through the efficiency measure.

Residential Energy Efficiency Market

The buying and selling of energy efficiency related goods and services for existing residential buildings.  A subsection of the home improvement market.

Residential Energy Efficiency Program

A series of coordinated activities that support strategic objectives to increase the adoption of residential energy efficient products and practices. Programs are delivered by many different types of organizations and their partners, including utilities, state and local governments, contractors, and nonprofits.

Revenue Sources
Revenue Stream

Payment from customers, contractors, business partners, or other sources in exchange for program products or services. Also known as “revenue sources,” “program revenue,” and "program income."

Revolving Loan Fund

Capital that is designated as funding for a specific purpose (e.g., to fund energy efficiency or renewable energy improvements). Typically, as loan repayments are received, those funds are consolidated and lent out to new borrowers, thus the revolving nature.