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When gaseous carbon dioxide (center) is dissolved in water, its water-fearing or hydrophobic nature creates a cylindrical cavity in the liquid, setting the stage for the proton transfer reactions that produce carbonic acid.08.01.15Science Highlight

The Importance of Hydration

Spectroscopy combined with theory and computation determines the interaction between carbon dioxide and water. Read More »

The matrix-free ionization platform consists of an array of silicon nanoposts.08.01.15Science Highlight

One in a Million: Analyzing Metabolites in a Single Cell

Commercialized nanopost array platform reveals metabolic changes in individual cells due to environmental stress. Read More »

To help identify routes to mitigate toxic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and soot formation from combustion engines, scientists identified the full list of products in a key reaction between phenyl radicals and oxygen.07.01.15Science Highlight

Up in Flames: Phenyl Oxidation Product Distribution

Researchers determine the reaction pathway to how soot and other toxic components form in combustion systems. Read More »

A proton (marked in yellow) is initially attached to a water molecule above the layer of carbon (grey) in graphene.07.01.15Science Highlight

The World’s Thinnest Proton Channel

Atomic-scale defects in graphene are shown to selectively allow protons to pass through a barrier that is just one carbon atom thick. Read More »

The STAR detector measures the energy and angle of the electron from the W boson decay produced in the proton-proton collision.06.01.15Science Highlight

Antiquark Makes Positive Contribution to Proton Spin

Scientists shed new light on a proton's spin, refining our understanding of nuclear physics. Read More »

Diamond optical cavities allow laser light (green arrow) to excite electrons on atoms held within the cavities, transferring information about the atoms outward via light (red arrow).06.01.15Science Highlight

Miniscule Mirrored Cavities Connect Quantum Memories

New structures could accelerate progress toward faster computing and high-security data transfer across fiber optic networks. Read More »

The polyborate anions wrap up the californium cations and bond to it at eight different sites.05.01.15Science Highlight

Going Back to Californium: A Changing View of Covalency

Unusual structure, bonding, and properties may provide a new possibility for a californium borate. Read More »

Gallium arsenide nanowire arrays grown on a silicon substrate are studied using photoelectrochemistry.05.01.15Science Highlight

Stacking Semiconductors for Artificial Photosynthesis

Nanowire-based design incorporates two semiconductors to enhance absorption of light. Read More »

Dr. Charles McCrory is setting up a rotating disk electrode experiment, which is used to measure a material’s catalytic activity and stability under conditions that are required for a working water-splitting device.05.01.15Science Highlight

Comparing Apples to Apples: Benchmarking Electrocatalysts for Solar Water-Splitting Devices

Objective comparison of catalyst performance may enable the development of systems for artificial photosynthesis. Read More »

An interferogram showing the photoelectron energy vs. delay time between identical femtosecond pump and probe pulses, which excite coherent three-photon photoemission at a single crystal silver surface.05.01.15Science Highlight

Exciton, Exciton on the Wall

For the first time, researchers detect how light excites electrons in metal. Read More »

Last modified: 4/21/2016 11:36:50 AM