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Managing Shade Coffee Fact Sheet

Shade coffee production in Puerto Rico has experienced a resurgence in growth during recent years, after undergoing a dramatic period of deforestation to convert to coffee production under full sun. The revival of shade coffee production utilizes a combination of coffee shrubs and shade trees that form a secondary forest.

Windbreak Renovation

now available

Great Plains Windbreak Renovation and Innovation Conference

Now available online, recorded presentations from the Great Plains Windbreak Renovation and Innovation Conference, July 24-25, 2012…

National Agroforestry Center's Blog

Nontimber Forest Products Article

Posted February 8, 2013

A new article in the January 2013 issue of the Journal Forestry, Opportunities for Enhancing Nontimber Forest Products Management in the United States (PDF, 96 KB), looks at the opportunities and barriers to the management of nontimber forest products, NTFPs, in the U.S. Results from a synthesis of literature related to harvesters and forest managers indicate that many NTFPs have considerable markets but most are inadequately monitored, economically underregulated, and ecologically poorly understood.

FAO Media Centre: New policies needed to promote agroforestry

Posted February 5, 2013

The FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization, released the publication of the Agroforestry Guidelines entitled "Advancing Agroforestry on the Policy Agenda. A guide for decision-makers" (PDF, 1.7 MB). The USDA Agroforestry Strategic Framework is highlighted on page 30 of the guide. Read the full press release…

Video on Upper Midwest Hazelnut Development Initiative

Posted January 15, 2013

Title frame of Upper Midwest Hazelnut Development Initiative video.

A new video from the Upper Midwest Hazelnut Development Initiative is available on YouTube. This 17 minute video provides an excellent overview of the work being done by this collaboration of growers and researchers working to develop a sustainable hazelnut industry in the Upper Midwest. This Initiative is also co-sponsoring the Upper Midwest Hazelnut Growers meeting March 1-2, 2013, in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

Online Agroforestry and Climate Change Webinar Series

Posted January 10, 2013

The Forestry and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations welcomes those interested in agroforestry and climate change to participate in four online webinars organized by FAO in collaboration with key agroforestry partners including the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Centre (CATIE), World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), and the Community of Practice for Climate Change Mitigation in Agriculture. The event will take place during 3 weeks between February and beginning of the March 2013. To participate in the webinars you must sign up for the Community of Practice for Climate Change and Agriculture.

Agroforestry Academy SARE Proposal Recognized

Posted January 10, 2013

At the University of Missouri, Michael Gold's $72,484 Professional Development Program grant project is a joint effort among five Midwestern states. It will create an Agroforestry Academy for professional development of natural resource professionals, extension agents, and other educators, to advance adoption of agroforestry as a cornerstone of productive land use in the Midwest. Gold’s project has been named as the 2012 Paula Ford Professional Development Program Proposal of the Year.

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