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Crime Witness

Damaging the Bonneville Power Administration’s transmission lines and property is a crime. Anyone who sees or suspects a crime to the BPA transmission system or on BPA property can be a Crime Witness by calling the 24-hour toll-free, confidential Crime Witness hotline at 1-800-437-2744.

What should I report?
You can report theft, vandalism, illegal dumping or suspicious activities on BPA property.


As a potential Crime Witness, watch for:
  • shooting at insulators, transmission lines, transmission towers or substation equipment;
  • dumping any waste or material on BPA property;
  • vandalizing BPA buildings and vehicles;
  • stealing BPA supplies, tools or materials;
  • harming or threatening BPA personnel;
  • loitering or suspicious activities in and around transmission lines, towers and substations
Report a crime
Call the Crime Witness hotline at 1-800-437-2744 to report any criminal or suspicious activity.

The information you report will be used to investigate the crime. Cash rewards of up to $25,000 will be paid to you as a Crime Witness informant if your information leads to the arrest and conviction of persons committing the crime. Law enforcement and BPA personnel will notify you when this happens.