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EERE Middle East and African Partnerships and Projects

The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) engages bilaterally with individual countries in the Middle East and Africa.

Bilateral Partnerships


EERE collaborates with the Israeli Ministry of Energy and Water Resources (MEW) to conduct jointly-funded research, development, and demonstration projects that aim to successfully commercialize cutting-edge clean energy technologies. The two governments work through the Bi-national Industrial Research and Development (BIRD) Foundation, a quasi-governmental entity that was established in the 1970s to stimulate, promote, and support industrial R&D to mutually benefit the United States and Israel. Using funds provided by EERE and MEW, BIRD conducts a competitive solicitation that requires a partnership between U.S. and Israeli companies. The foundation provides financial support of up to 50% of a project's total budget.

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Saudi Arabia

The Department of Energy and the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia meet regularly through the Saudi Arabia-U.S. Bilateral Energy Consultations. Through this mechanism, EERE and the Saudi government share information on policies and programs to help advance the deployment of renewable energy technologies and increase energy efficiency.

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United Arab Emirates

The Department of Energy and UAE’s Masdar Future Energy Company signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in April 2010, recognizing the shared strategic importance of cleaner energy growth. Under this MOU, EERE is partnering with Masdar to test the performance of U.S. energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies in the climatic conditions of Abu Dhabi. This partnership aims to identify technologies that will help Abu Dhabi meet its goals to reduce energy consumption and dependence on fossil fuels, while providing business opportunities for the U.S. private sector.

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