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Company Level Imports

With Data for September 2016   |  Release Date:  November 30, 2016   |  Next Release Date: December 30, 2016   |   XLS     

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September 2016 Import Highlights

Monthly data on the origins of crude oil imports in September 2016 show that two countries, Canada and Saudi Arabia, exported more than one million barrels per day (b/d) to the United States (see table below). The top five exporting countries accounted for 78% of United States crude oil imports in September while the top ten sources accounted for approximately 93% of all U.S. crude oil imports. The top five sources of U.S. crude oil imports for September were Canada (3.3 million b/d), Saudi Arabia (1.2 million b/d), Venezuela (778,000 b/d), Mexico (516,000 b/d), and Colombia (464,000 b/d). The remaining top ten sources, in order, were Iraq (448,000 b/d), Kuwait (270,000 b/d), Ecuador (213,000 b/d), Nigeria (145,000 b/d), and Angola (143,000 b/d). Total crude oil imports averaged 8.1 million b/d in September, which was an increase of 22,000 b/d from imports during August 2016.

Canada remained the largest exporter of total petroleum to the United States in September; exporting 3.8 million b/d. The second largest exporter of total petroleum was Saudi Arabia with 1.2 million b/d.

Crude oil imports (Top 15 countries)

(thousand barrels per day)
Country Sep-16 Aug-16 YTD 2016 Sep-15 YTD 2015
Canada 3,279 3,286 3,204 3,282 3,165
Saudi Arabia 1,209 1,142 1,126 861 1,033
Venezuela 778 715 740 826 770
Mexico 516 562 589 577 692
Colombia 464 481 479 256 398
Iraq 448 477 389 203 184
Kuwait 270 156 208 211 218
Ecuador 213 253 241 258 232
Nigeria 145 160 209 57 46
Angola 143 137 169 182 106
Brazil 120 235 143 232 204
Norway 93 - 40 - 12
Russia 73 78 43 24 35
Oman 65 19 36 - -
Indonesia 45 44 43 43 32

Total imports of petroleum (Top 15 countries)

(thousand barrels per day)
Country Sep-16 Aug-16 YTD 2016 Sep-15 YTD 2015
Canada 3,794 3,823 3,761 3,807 3,789
Saudi Arabia 1,211 1,142 1,135 863 1,041
Venezuela 825 773 798 855 820
Mexico 595 672 679 647 762
Colombia 500 534 521 292 415
Iraq 448 488 393 203 184
Russia 406 479 442 369 400
Kuwait 275 156 209 211 219
Ecuador 213 253 243 264 239
Nigeria 168 181 237 114 70
Angola 157 159 180 182 116
Algeria 155 169 154 145 114
Brazil 154 274 164 276 227
United Kingdom 132 141 124 178 130
Norway 124 49 88 48 68

Note: The data in the tables above exclude oil imports into the U.S. territories.

Crude oil imports from Persian Gulf 2016 (January - June)

Explanatory notes

Sources  - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) petroleum imports data are available at the company level. The data source is the Form EIA-814, "Monthly Imports Report."

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