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U.S. Fuel Ethanol Plant Production Capacity

Release Date:  June 29, 2016   |   Re-Release Date: July 29, 2016   |  Next Release Date: June 2017

Previous Issues

This is the sixth release of the U.S. Energy Information Administration data on fuel ethanol production capacity. EIA first reported fuel ethanol production capacity for January 2011 on November 29, 2011. This new report contains production capacity data for all operating U.S. fuel ethanol production plants as of January 1, 2016.

Detailed nameplate capacity of fuel ethanol plants by Petroleum Administration for Defense District (PADD District) are available in XLS.

U.S. Nameplate Fuel Ethanol Plant Production Capacity as of January 1, 2016
PAD District Number of Plants 2016
Nameplate Capacity
Nameplate Capacity
(MMgal/year) (mb/d) (MMgal/year) (mb/d)
PADD 1 5 442 29 423 28
PADD 2 174 13,537 883 13,029 850
PADD 3 5 439 29 442 29
PADD 4 4 200 13 190 12
PADD 5 7 285 19 285 19
U.S. Total 195 14,903 973 14,369 938

Nameplate Capacity:  is the volume of denatured fuel ethanol that can be produced during a period of 12 months under normal operating conditions.

Note:  In previous ethanol capacity reports, EIA included data on maximum sustainable production capacity. In 2013, EIA decided that nameplate production capacity is a sufficient measure of available ethanol production capacity. The collection and publication efforts for the maximum sustainable data value were discontinued on Form EIA-819M Monthly Oxygenate Report.

Source: Form EIA-819M Monthly Oxygenate Report