Hawaii Activities


What's New?

Unsolicited Lease Requests

BOEM has received a total of three unsolicited wind energy lease requests from two potential developers: two lease requests from AW Hawaii Wind, LLC (AWH), the AWH Oahu Northwest Project and the AWH Oahu South Project; and one from Progression Hawaii Offshore Wind, Inc. (Progression), the Progression South Coast of Oahu Project. Each project proposes an offshore floating wind energy facility with a capacity of approximately 400 megawatts (MW) of renewable energy. The energy generated by the projects would be transmitted to Oahu by undersea cables.

Public Engagement

BOEM established the BOEM/Hawaii Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force to promote planning and coordination, and to facilitate effective and efficient review of requests for commercial and research leases and right-of-way grants for power cables on the Federal outer continental shelf (OCS). The OCS begins 3 nautical miles offshore Hawaii. Members of the Task Force include representatives of Federal, state and local government agencies, and offices who regularly engage with members of the Native Hawaiian community.

BOEM Research

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