                                                         Date Signed: February 17,1999

SUBJECT:   Approval of Data Sharing Committee Recommendations for Lead and Copper

FROM:      Janet L. Auerbach, Chief
             Information Management Branch
             Implementation and Assistance Division (4606)
             Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water

TO:          Data Sharing Committee Members
             Regional  Drinking Water Branch Chiefs

       For your information, enclosed is Cynthia Dougherty's approval of the Data Sharing
Committee recommendations for revisions to the Lead and Copper Rule reporting guidance.  The
revised guidance consolidates fifteen violations types into ten. There is no implementation
schedule contained in the guidance document. This revision will be incorporated in the Lead and
Copper Rule reporting guidance when the rule is repromulgated, probably around June 1999, and
an effective date (probably January 1, 2001) will be listed then.  We anticipate having
SDWIS/FED modified by May 2000 to accept the reduced reporting requirements, should states
elect to adopt them early.

       Thanks to all members of the Data Sharing Committee for their work on this project.
Thanks especially to Tom Poleck for preparing issuing papers and the final guidance.

       I would appreciate regional branch chiefs sharing this package within their region as


cc:     Bob Blanco
       Connie Bosnia
       Fran Haertel
       Ed Cottrill
       Judy Lebowich, SRMD
       Vanessa Leiby, ASDWA

Enclosure 1


SUBJECT:   Data Sharing Recommendation for the Lead and Copper Rule - Final Report

FROM:      Robert J. Blanco, Director
             Implementation and Assistance Division

TO:         Cynthia C. Dougherty, Director
             Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water

       Attached for your approval is the Data Sharing Committee's (DSC's) report, "The Data
Sharing Committee's Recommendations for Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) Violation Reporting".
This report is the result of the ongoing work of the DSC to review all current Safe Drinking
Water Information System (SDWIS) reporting requirements and represents the third in a series
of four reports on the various  drinking water rules. The final report will deal with the Phase
I/II/V Rules.

       This report recommends the consolidation  of the current 15 LCR violation types into 10.
No  significant disagreement was raised during the review process from the states or regions on
this recommendation. As a result, it was not sent to the SDWIS Executive Steering Committee
for review. Given the imminent promulgation of the technical fixes to the LCR and issuance of
the  revised reporting guidance, I suggest that the attached recommendation be incorporated into
the  revised rule reporting guidance.

       Thank you for your continued support of the committee's efforts and for your
consideration of the attached recommendation. If you would like to discuss this matter further,
please contact me  or Jan Auerbach. You may also wish to contact Tom Poleck at (312) 886-
2407, who was the lead committee member for this report.


cc:     Data Sharing Committee
       Data Sharing Committee Advisory Group
       ASDWA/EPA Data Management Steering Committee
       Jan Auerbach, OGWDW
       Vanessa Leiby, ASDWA

Approved:   Cynthia Dougherty /s/, 3/29/99
