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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

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Statement: July 15, 2010 Print this page
Docket No. ER10-1269-000

Statement of Chairman Wellinghoff on Southwest Power Pool, Inc. transmission planning proposal

"Thank you for this presentation and your thoughtful work in drafting this order for the Commission's consideration.

SPP management and its Members have developed a proactive approach to planning for the reliability and economic needs of the SPP transmission system. It is also a flexible approach that allows SPP and its stakeholders to regularly assess whether that process is achieving its objectives and to adjust as the needs of the system change over time. They deserve praise for crafting a process that will allow their region to address some of the most pressing challenges facing the electricity industry. SPP has been proactive in its assessment of its transmission planning needs, and other regions may want to follow its lead so that the transmission infrastructure that is needed to maintain reliability, reduce congestion, and meet policy objectives is built. I am pleased to vote to approve SPP's proposal."

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