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  • Scientists Watch Unusually Warm Waters in Pacific

    Scientists Watch Unusually Warm Waters in Pacific

    Sep 10: Scientists across NOAA Fisheries are watching a persistent expanse of exceptionally warm water spanning the Gulf of Alaska that could send reverberations through the marine food web.

  • Whale Sense Vessel Helps Save Whale

    Whale Sense Vessel Helps Save Whale

    Jun 26: A vessel owned by a participant in the WhaleSense program was instrumental in a whale rescue.

  • Special Report: Southern Resident Killer Whales

    Special Report: Southern Resident Killer Whales

    Jun 25: Today, NOAA Fisheries released a report highlighting the accomplishments of 10 years of dedicated research and conservation of the endangered Southern Resident killer whale population.

  • Killer in Distress

    Killer in Distress

    Dec 26: Scientists are working to understand why the population of Southern Resident killer whales isn’t rebounding, and what we can do to help them recover.

  • Sockeye Return to Washington's Yakima Basin

    Sockeye Return to Washington's Yakima Basin

    Aug 16: One hundred years. That’s how long it’s been since native sockeye populations inhabited the lakes of the Yakima Basin—until now. Photo Credit: Yakama Nation.

  • Results of the Recent Hake Survey Are In

    Results of the Recent Hake Survey Are In

    Apr 24: Last year, NOAA scientists and West Coast fishermen collaborated to reduce uncertainty in the Pacific hake fishery, improving near-term outlook for fishermen while protecting long-term availability of the fish.

  • Cloudy With a Chance of Whales

    Cloudy With a Chance of Whales

    Apr 4: New technology will enable scientists to forecast patterns of whale traffic in the Pacific. These forecasts will help ships steer clear of whales and reduce fatal ship strikes.

  • Building a Better Fish Trap

    Building a Better Fish Trap

    Mar 19: A modern Minto Fish trap on the North Santiam River will protect listed steelhead and spring Chinook salmon as well as provide a safer environment for the biologists.

  • What Do Fish and Federal Highways Have in Common?

    What Do Fish and Federal Highways Have in Common?

    Mar 13: Find out how NOAA is working with the Federal Highway Administration to protect aquatic life. Photo courtesy of John McMillan.

  • Catching Up With Catch Shares

    Catching Up With Catch Shares

    Mar 4: A new fishery management program on the west coast gives fishermen greater flexibility and gives overfished species a break.

  • Washington Marsh Restoration Improves Fish Passage

    Washington Marsh Restoration Improves Fish Passage

    Feb 25: The Fisher Slough marsh restoration project in Washington State improved fish passage to 15 miles of stream and restored 60 acres of freshwater marsh habitat, providing salmon with critical rearing habitat.

  • The Science Behind Harbor Seal Monitoring

    The Science Behind Harbor Seal Monitoring

    Feb 11: Find out how NOAA scientists monitor harbor seal populations in Puget Sound.
