Portland District

The National Wetland Plant List used by the Corps and other federal agencies to delineate wetlands is web-based. The NWPL contains more than 8,000 plant species, including six new species in the continental U.S. The NWPL plays a critical role in wetland determinations under the Clean Water Act and is available to the public on the Corps' website.
Flora Power
Check out the newly updated National Wetland Plant List, logging more than 8,000 plant species, including six new species in the continental United States.
Members of the Bonneville Emergency Rescue Team got tips from a Life Flight Network crew about how to quickly and efficiently prepare an injured person for transport to a hospital.  Bonneville is located about 60 miles from Portland, so Life Flight is often the best mode of travel for seriously injured people who need to be transported to a metropolitan hospital.
Members of the Bonneville Emergency Rescue Team got tips from a Life Flight Network crew about how to quickly and efficiently prepare an injured person for transport to a hospital.
The Portland District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dedicated its newest survey boats recently at Chinook Landing in Fairview, Oregon. The Graham, based in Coos Bay, Oregon, is 27 feet long; Hopman is 25 feet long and based at the U.S. Moorings in Portland, Oregon.
The Portland District dedicated its newest survey vessels, the Graham and the Hopman.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recently hosted an Every Kid in a Park event at Bonneville Lock and Dam. Outdoor activities and interactive displays gave kids of all ages a taste of the great outdoors, and kids going in to 4th grade received their free year-long pass to federal parks.
Every Kid in a Park
Bonneville Lock and Dam celebrated its part in Every Kid in a Park, a national program that grants any child in fourth grade with a free year-long pass to all federal parks.


Final EA and FONSI: Columbia Stock Ranch

The final environmental assessment for the Columbia Stock Ranch Section 536 Ecosystem Restoration Project and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District’s Finding of No Significant Impact is available.
154 days ago

Columbia Stock Ranch Ecosystem Restoration Project

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Bonneville Power Administration are preparing to construct an ecosystem restoration project on the Columbia Stock Ranch to restore structure and function of floodplains to improve juvenile fish habitat. The Corps and BPA are meeting with members of the Deer Island Drainage Improvement Company, some of whom expressed concerns about the CSR project and its potential impacts. Meetings will take place in the Armstrong Room of the St. Helens Public Library, 375 S. 18th St., St. Helens, Oregon.
167 days ago