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Climate Index Timeseries
Background Information

20th Century Reanalysis V2 Monthly/Seasonal Composites: Google Earth

Please read about a potential issue if you acquired daily 2m air temperature files between 8/14/2014 and 11/7/2014.
We have transitioned the data files from netCDF3 to netCDF4-classic format (transition date: Aug 14th).

Plot seasonal composites (averages) of the mean or anomalies (mean - total mean) of variables from the 20th Century Reanalysis reanalysis. Output is a KML/KMZ file and a link to the Google Earth Browser Interface. 20th century reanalysis data is available from Jan 1871 to Dec 2012.

? Which variable? Level?
? Beginning month of season: Ending month:
? Enter years for composites (from 1 to 16): e.g. 1972. For seasons that span a year (e.g. DJF), please enter year of the LAST month.

To subtract one set of years from another, use a minus sign (-) before the years that are to be subtracted.

? OR Enter range of years: to (optional minus to )
? OR List of years: Enter filename:
? OR Years from values in Time Series:

If CUSTOM Time Series:

? Value to composite on:

Type of comparison:

? Lag: Plot composites for months before or after dates chosen
? Color? Shading:
? Plot type? Mean Anomaly Long Term Mean
? Scale plot size (%)   Plot contour labels? No Yes
? Reverse colorbar? No Yes
? Override default contour interval? Interval: Range: low high
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