NEI News

Doctor giving eye exam

It was Labor Day 2015 when Rosetta Ivey-Foster, a 76-year-old retired bank clerk, learned first-hand how quickly diabetes can deteriorate vision. Swift action restored most of her eyesight.

Chinfei Chen, Boston Children's Hospital (center), and Hollis Cline (right), Scripps Research Institute, react to comments by David Feldheim, University of California Santa Cruz,  during the 2015 National Eye Institute Audacious Goals  panel discussion, "Reconnecting Neurons in the Visual System."

Michael Crair, Yale University, and Carol Mason, Columbia University, have co-authored a report published online today in the Journal of Neuroscience. “Reconnecting Eye to Brain” is a comprehensive assessment of what scientists know about optic nerve development, regeneration, and reconnection.

Neuron projections from the visual cortex have been known to extend to cells of the brainstem that regulate innate motor behaviors. This image shows a neuron projection from the visual cortex. Photo courtesy of Dr. Massimo Scanziani.

By peering into the eyes of mice and tracking their ocular movements, researchers made an unexpected discovery: the visual cortex – a region of the brain known to process sensory information – plays a key role in promoting the plasticity of innate, spontaneous eye movements.

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    AGI: Restoring Vision through Retina Regeneration

    Our Audacious Goals Initiative is tackling the most difficult-to-treat eye diseases.

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    National Eye Health Education Program

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    NEI for Kids

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    Request for Information

    Scientists: Share your input on needs & strategies for transformative High-Resolution Cryo-Electron Microscopy

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    Video: Next-Generation Eye Imaging Tools

    Learn about how the NEI Audacious Goals Initiative is supporting new imaging tools to view the eye, and see some of the stunning imagery.

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