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Greenhouse Gas Customized Search

GHG Bannerghg imageThe Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Customized Search retrieves data from the GHF database in Envirofacts.

GHG Customized Search allows you to create a report on multiple subject areas using the most comprehensive set of GHG data elements. The report is viewable as an HTML tabular report or downloadable as a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file.

There are four steps to generate a report:

  1. Select a subject area to be the primary focus of your search and as interested select additional subjects one at a time.
  2. Select table(s) for the subjects selected.
  3. Select column(s) (data elements or fields) from the selected tables.
  4. Enter search criteria to target specific records from the database and specify the report display.

STEP 1: Select a Subject Area to be the Primary Focus of your Search

Greenhouse Gas - Summary Subjects
Facility Information Address and other location information about the facility.
Parent Company Information Each facility subject to the GHGRP is required to report their highest level U.S. Parent Company(s) as part of their annual report.
Gas Summary Information Contains information on greenhouse gas emissions, detailing the specific types of gas reported by facilities.
Sector Summary Information Greenhouse gas information displayed by reporting sectors.
Subpart Summary Information Greenhouse gas information displayed by the subpart a facility reports under.
Greenhouse Gas - Detailed Subpart Subjects **
General Stationary Fuel Combustion Sources Identifying the annual greenhouse gas emissions information for a specific fuel type. Reporters are required to specify the name of the GHG (CO2, CH4, N2O) other gas names and gas quantity information (as applicable) for each fuel type.
Electricity Generation Identifying data containing the total annual emissions of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases reported under this Subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Adipic Acid Production Identifying a collection of data elements containing the total annual emissions of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases reported under this subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Aluminum Production Identifying a collection of data elements containing the total annual emissions of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases reported under this subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Ammonia Manufacturing Identifying a collection of data elements containing the total annual emissions of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases reported under this subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Cement Production Identifying a collection of data elements containing the total annual emissions of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of the Mandatory Reporting of GHGs, Part 98, reported under this subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Electronics Manufacture Identifying a collection of data elements containing Electronics Manufacture details.
Ferroalloy Production Identifying a collection of data elements containing the total annual emissions of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of the Mandatory Reporting of GHGs, Part 98 reported under this subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Fluorinated Gas Production Identifying a collection of data elements containing the total annual emissions of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of the Mandatory Reporting of GHGs, Part 98 reported under this subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Glass Production Identifying a collection of data elements containing total number of continuous glass melting furnaces.
HCFC-22 Production and HFC-23 Destruction Identifying a collection of data elements containing the total annual emissions of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases reported under this Subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Hydrogen Production Identifying a collection of data elements containing the total annual emissions of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases reported under this Subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Iron and Steel Production Identifying a collection of data elements containing the total annual emissions of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases reported under this Subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Lead Production Identifying a collection of data elements containing the total annual emissions of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases reported under this Subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Lime Manufacturing Identifying a collection of data elements containing the total annual emissions of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of the Mandatory Reporting of GHGs, Part 98 reported under this subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Magnesium Production Identifying a collection of data elements containing the total annual emissions of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases reported under this Subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Miscellaneous Uses of Carbonate Identifying a collection of data elements containing the total annual emissions of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of the Mandatory Reporting of GHGs, Part 98 reported under this subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Nitric Acid Production Identifying a collection of data elements containing the total annual emissions of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases reported under this Subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems Identifying a collection of data elements containing the total annual emissions of each greenhouse gas (GHG)reported under this Subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Petrochemical Production Identifying a collection of data elements containing the total annual emissions of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases reported under this Subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Petroleum Refineries Identifying a collection of data elements containing the total annual emissions of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases, or other GHGs reported under this Subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Phosphoric Acid Production Identifying a collection of data elements containing the total annual emissions of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases reported under this Subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Pulp and Paper Manufacturing Identifying a collection of data elements containing the total annual emissions of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases reported under this Subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Silicon Carbide Production Identifying of data elements containing the total annual greenhouse gas quantity of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases reported under this Subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Soda Ash Manufacturing Identifying of data elements containing the total annual greenhouse gas quantity of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases reported under this Subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Use of Electric Transmission and Distribution Equipment A collection of data elements containing the total annual greenhouse gas quantity of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases reported under this Subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Underground Coal Mines A collection of data elements containing the total annual greenhouse gas quantity of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases reported under this Subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Titanium Dioxide Production A collection of data elements containing the total annual emissions of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases, reported under this Subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Zinc Production A collection of data elements containing the total annual greenhouse gas quantity of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases reported under this Subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Municipal Solid Waste Landfills A collection of data elements containing the total annual emissions of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases, reported under this Subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Industrial Wastewater Treatment A collection of data elements containing the total annual emissions of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases, reported under this Subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Petroleum Product Suppliers Identifying a collection of data elements containing the carbon dioxide quantity reported by petroleum product suppliers.
Suppliers of Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquids Identifying of data elements containing the total annual greenhouse gas quantity of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases reported under this Subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Suppliers of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Identifying a collection of data elements containing calculation methodology and the number of days in the reporting year for which substitute data procedures were used to measure CO2 mass or volume, CO2 Concentration and CO2 stream density.
Suppliers of Coal-based Liquid Fuels Identifying of data elements containing the total annual greenhouse gas quantity of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases reported under this Subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Manufacture of Electric Transmission and Distribution Equipment A collection of data elements containing the total annual emissions of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases, reported under this Subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Industrial Waste Landfills A collection of data elements containing the total annual greenhouse gas quantity of each greenhouse gas (GHG) listed in Table A-1 of 40 CFR 98 Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases reported under this Subpart, expressed in metric tons.
Injection of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Identifying a collection of data elements containing subpart UU Non-CBI injection of CO2 details.

** - All non-confidential data reported by facilities in the following industry types is available for download outside of Envirofacts: Adipic Acid Production (E), HCFC-22 Production and HFC-23 Destruction (O), Lime Manufacturing (S CEMS), Silicon Carbide Production (BB), Soda Ash Manufacturing (CC) and Suppliers of Coal-based Liquid Fuels (LL). To download this data, go to GHG Reporting Program Data Sets and download the "Detailed Data for Additional Industry Types" data files available at the bottom of the page for each reporting year for the desired reporting year.