Democratic News

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), ranking member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, put out the following statement on the energy and natural resources agreement left behind by House leadership:

“The conference committee reached breakthrough agreements on forest fire funding and important forest management reforms that have defied resolution for many years, as well as important western water development issues, sportsmen’s legislation that enhances hunting and fishing opportunities on federal lands, and important new authorities to improve national park visitor experiences. It also reached agreement on numerous state-specific public land authorizations important to many senators and their constituents.

“The conference also reached agreement on major provisions to strengthen our nation’s energy security, increase energy efficiency, modernize our electric grid and make it more reliable, and promote energy innovation and workforce development.

“We should capitalize on these long and hard-fought agreements and should enact them before going home for the year and having to start over again in the next Congress. If we miss this opportunity now, we are not likely to have another one next year.  

“Our House colleagues should be less concerned about going home this week and more concerned about giving communities the tools they need to deal with wildfire problems and other key issues.”