Hearings and Business Meetings

SD-366 Energy Committee Hearing Room 02:30 PM
The purpose of the hearing is to receive testimony on the following bills:

S. 233, to withdraw certain Federal land and interests in that land from location, entry, and patent under the mining laws and disposition under the mineral and geothermal leasing laws;

S. 268, a bill to sustain the economic development and recreational use of National Forest System land and other public land in the State of Montana, to add certain land to the National Wilderness Preservation System, to release certain wilderness study areas, to designate new areas for recreation, and for other purposes.

S. 375, to authorize the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior to enter into cooperative agreements with State foresters authorizing State foresters to provide certain forest, rangeland, and watershed restoration and protection services;

S. 714, to reauthorize the Federal Land Transaction Facilitation Act, and for other purposes; and

S. 730, to provide for the settlement of certain claims under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, and for other purposes (Hearing Room SD-366).

The hearing will be webcast live on the Committee's website, and an archive video will be available shortly after the hearing is complete. Witness testimony will be available on the website at the start of the hearing.

Witness Panel 1

  • The Honorable Max Baucus
    United States Senate
  • The Honorable Mark Begich
    United States Senate
  • The Honorable Jon Tester
    United States Senate

Witness Panel 2

Witness Panel 3