Hearings and Business Meetings

SD-366 Senate Dirksen Building 10:30 AM

The purpose of the hearing is to receive testimony on the following bills:

  • S. 37, to sustain the economic development and recreational use of National Forest System land and other public land in the State of Montana, to add certain land to the National Wilderness Preservation System, to release certain wilderness study areas, to designate new areas for recreation, and for other purposes
  • S. 343, to provide for the conveyance of certain Federal land in Clark County, Nevada, for the environmental remediation and reclamation of the Three Kids Mine Project Site, and for other purposes;
  • S. 364, to establish the Rocky Mountain Front Conservation Management Area, to designate certain Federal land as wilderness, and to improve the management of noxious weeds in the Lewis and Clark National Forest, and for other purposes
  • S. 404, to preserve the Green Mountain Lookout in the Glacier Peak Wilderness of the Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest;
  • S. 753, to provide for national security benefits for White Sands Missile Range and Fort Bliss
  • S. 1169, to withdraw and reserve certain public land in the State of Montana for the Limestone Hills Training Area, and for other purposes
  • S. 1300, to amend the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 to provide for the conduct of stewardship end result contracting projects
  • S. 1301, to provide for the restoration of forest landscapes, protection of old growth forests, and management of national forests in the eastside forests of the State of Oregon
  • S. 1309, to withdraw and reserve certain public land under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior for military uses, and for other purposes
  • H.R. 507, to provide for the conveyance of certain land inholdings owned by the United States to the Pascua Yaqui Tribe of Arizona, and for other purposes
  • H.R. 862, to authorize the conveyance of two small parcels of land within the boundaries of the Coconino National Forest containing private improvements that were developed based upon the reliance of the landowners in an erroneous survey conducted in May 1960
  • H.R. 876, to authorize the continued use of certain water diversions located on National Forest System land in the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness and the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness in the State of Idaho, and for other purposes
  • H.R. 993 and S. 509, to provide for the conveyance of certain parcels of National Forest System land to the city of Fruit Heights, Utah

The hearing will be webcast live on the committee's website, and an archived video will be available shortly after the hearing is complete. Witness testimony will be available on the website at the start of the hearing.

Member Statements

  • The Honorable Max Baucus
    U.S. Senator
  • The Honorable Jon Tester
    U.S. Senator

Witness Panel 1