Hearings and Business Meetings

Jul 18 2013

FULL COMMITTEE HEARING: Clean Energy Financing

Spurring Investment in America’s Clean Energy Technology

SD-366 Senate Dirksen Building 09:30 AM

The purpose of the hearing is to receive testimony on the current state of clean energy finance in the United States and opportunities to facilitate greater investment in domestic clean energy technology development and deployment.  

The hearing will be webcast live on the committee's website, and an archived video will be available shortly after the hearing is complete. Witness testimony will be available on the website at the start of the hearing.

Witness Panel 1

  • Mr. Peter W. Davidson
    Executive Director of the Loan Program Office (LPO)
    U.S. Department of Energy
  • Mr. Richard Kauffman
    Chairman, Energy and Finance for New York
    Chairman, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
  • Mr. Ethan Zindler
    Head of Policy Analysis
    Bloomberg New Energy Finance
  • Mr. Will Coleman
    OnRamp Capital
  • Mr. Nicolas Loris
    Herbert and Joyce Morgan Fellow
    The Heritage Foundation