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Reports and bulletins

ISO publishes regular reports and other documents that are important to understanding generation interconnection, reliability and transmission planning.

  • Renewables integration reports and studies
    • Distributed generation
    • Renewables integration study results
    • Frequency response study report
    • Renewables integration reports
    • 33 percent renewables integration study results - 2010 CPUC long-term procurement plan
    • 33 percent renewables integration step 2 production simulation plexos model
    • 20 percent case - preliminary new scenarios
    • Existing hourly wind production data
    • 33 percent high load case - preliminary new scenarios
    • All 33 percent new scenarios - wind and solar profiles
    • 33 percent time constrained case - preliminary new scenarios
    • 33 percent environment case - preliminary new scenarios
    • 33 percent cost case - preliminary new scenarios
    • 33 percent trajectory case - preliminary new scenarios
    • Getting to 33 percent renewables portfolio standard
    • Wind and solar generation - forecast versus actual renewable generation

Transmission planning process and studies

Background and technical information that describes in more detail planning rules and procedures.

Seasonal assessments

These assessments produce likely operating conditions that account for variances in load and resources under stressed and favorable conditions
