Site Page / Mexico


The United Mexican States (Mexico) has been an active partner collaborating with the United States of America (USA) in the safe and responsible development of oil and gas resources in the Gulf of Mexico.

The U.S. Department of Interior, through the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), and the Solicitor's Office, worked extensively with the Department of State (DOS) and officials from Mexico on the Agreement between the United States and Mexico Concerning Transboundary Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in the Gulf of Mexico. On February 20, 2012, the US and Mexico signed an Agreement concerning the development of oil and gas reservoirs that span the international maritime boundary between the two countries in the Gulf of Mexico (excluding submerged lands under Texas jurisdiction). This Agreement would establish a framework for the cooperative exploration and exploitation of these hydrocarbon resources. The Mexican Senate approved the Agreement in April 2012.

The National Hydrocarbon Commission of Mexico (CNH), BSEE, and BOEM, regularly exchange programs for officials and continuously share information on regulations and processes. Activities are consistent with the recommendations of the National Commission on the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling (Commission), specifically, working with our Gulf neighbors toward agreeing on a “a common, rigorous set of standards, a system for regulatory oversight, and the same operator adherence to the effective safety culture called for in the[e] report, along with protocols to cooperate on containment and response strategies and preparedness in case of a spill” Highlights include:

  • In February 2010, the Gulf of Mexico's Office of Production and Development was invited to speak at a “Gas Flaring Reduction Best Practices Workshop”, hosted by SENER (Office of Mexico's Secretary of Energy), PEMEX, and the World Bank Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership (GGFR).
  • In July 2010, CNH Commissioners visited BOEM and BSEE for briefings on information technology systems, technical data management, well data management, reserves and resource data management, production measurement and verification, and an overview of the Office of Field Operations' regulatory and enforcement programs.
  • Following this meeting, the CNH and BSEE developed an action plan for defining common standards and steps for developing consistency in the regulations of the two countries, taking into account each country's governance, resources, and industry characteristics.
  • Mexican authorities requested BSEE review and comments on Mexico's January 2011 deepwater regulations, as well as information on BSEE's regulations, including the basic information BSEE requires from operators prior to giving approval to drill a deepwater well.
  • In July 2011, the Gulf of Mexico Region hosted CNH Commissioners for meetings which included presentations from The International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) and Noble Drilling on a conceptual model for the HSE case, an exchange of information on each countries' safety and environmental regulations, a review of plan submittals, and discussions on Deepwater Operations Plans and standards.
  • In November 2011, BSEE and BOEM hosted a delegation from CNH and PEMEX to discuss Worst Case Discharge (WCD) analysis, the Well Containment Screening Tool (WCST), and pressure gradient determinations. The intent is for CNH to incorporate the methodologies the US has developed into their workflow process to the extent possible, to arrive at common standards on these issues.
  • In December 2012, BSEE hosted a technical workshop for a delegation from CNH focused on deepwater inspection capability and planning and executing drills to appropriately test the well control capabilities of PEMEX and its contractors.
  • In February 2013, the Oil Spill Response Division (OSRD) hosted CNH professionals for further discussion on how BSEE plans an exercise with the deployment of response equipment. The workshop included observation of an unannounced oil spill.
  • In April 2013, the OSRD hosted CNH delegates as they observed the deployment of Helix Well Containment Group's capping stack system.
  • BSEE participates in the US-Mexico High Level Regulatory Cooperation Council, created by Presidents Obama and Calderon to enhance economic competitiveness and the economic well-being of both countries.

Significantly, communication between the regulators is constant and ongoing, including the sharing of safety alerts and information on offshore oil and gas regulations, policies, and processes .The BOEM/BSEE Office of International Programs participates in monthly Mexico Energy Working Group teleconference calls hosted by the US Department of State (DOS) as well as annual U.S. – Mexico Bilateral Framework on Clean Energy and Climate Change meetings.

Regional Forums on Oil Spill Prevention, Preparedness and Response in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean

The U.S. Department of the Interior participates in a number of multilateral regional and international groups which foster cooperation and information regarding offshore energy activities.

Recently, Mexico's CNH joined BSEE in participating in a series of Regional Forums on Oil Spill Prevention, Preparedness and Response in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. In anticipation of an increase in drilling activities in the Caribbean Basin and Gulf of Mexico, both countries are participating in multi-lateral discussions with the Bahamas, Cuba, and Jamaica on a broad range of issues including drilling safety, ocean modeling, and oil spill preparedness and response. These discussions provide valuable information on each country's plans and capabilities and improve bilateral and regional cooperation if a major pollution incident occurs.

Mexico is also a member of the ICRARD.

History of Offshore Energy Relations with Mexico