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11.29.16Science Highlight

Make No Assumptions in Building a Better Battery

On the path to ultra-stable, low-cost, earth-abundant zinc-manganese oxide rechargeable batteries for the electric grid.

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Natural Chemicals Transform Man-Made Particulates11.03.16Science Highlight

Natural Chemicals Transform Man-Made Particulates

Competition between two natural chemicals to coat and change atmospheric particles from fossil fuel combustion could improve accuracy of climate and air quality simulations.

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Scientists Rewrite Bacteria’s Genetic Code11.03.16Science Highlight

Scientists Rewrite Bacteria’s Genetic Code

New code allows bacteria to thrive in the lab and offers seven “slots” to program in designer proteins for industry.

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Busted: Revealing Mismatches in MJO Modeling09.09.16Science Highlight

Busted: Revealing Mismatches in MJO Modeling

Research uncovers the errors that prevent modeled precipitation variations from matching real-world results.

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Diverse Fungi Secrete Similar Suite of Decomposition Enzymes08.26.16Science Highlight

Diverse Fungi Secrete Similar Suite of Decomposition Enzymes

Analyses reveal diversity in carbon turnover and other degradation processes, offering insights for biofuel production.

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Determining Real Molecules in Operating Batteries08.17.16Science Highlight

Determining Real Molecules in Operating Batteries

Scientists determined new molecular-level information at the solid/liquid interface, pushing toward better energy storage devices.

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Estimating Rainfall 07.29.16Science Highlight

New Radars for Estimating Rainfall Installed at ARM Sites

Data derived from these instruments will support climate model simulations of cloud processes.

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Modeling Water Runoff07.29.16Science Highlight

Modeling Choices and the Effects of Water Runoff on Plant Productivity

Understanding differences in modeling soil water will help scientists simulate how this moisture affects the climate. Read More »

Graber New Technique07.29.16Science Highlight

New Technique Shows Protein Changes in Intact Microbial Communities

Mass spectrometry and high-performance computing combined, allowing scientists to study proteins that link internal processes to community attributes.

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Researchers are exploring the use of ionic liquids as a biomass pretreatment.06.30.16Science Highlight

Closing the Loop: Ionic Liquids from Biomass Waste Could Pretreat Plants Destined for Biofuels

Recycling waste from biofuel production could lower cost for future biorefineries. Read More »

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Last modified: 11/9/2015 8:58:42 PM