National and Regional Guidelines for Renewable Energy Activities

BOEM has developed a number of national and regional guidelines for renewable energy activities on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). These informal documents are intended to provide lessees, operators and developers with additional information or interpretation of a regulation, OCS standard or regional requirement, clarification for implementation of a special lease stipulation or regional requirement, or updated administrative information (e.g., telephone listings, office address).

Application and Leasing Guidance

Plan Submittals

  • Information Requirements for a Renewable Energy Site Assessment Plan (SAP) (February 2016). These guidelines clarify and supplement information requirements for SAP submittals. This information is necessary for BOEM to complete analyses under National Environmental Policy Act and other applicable laws and regulations.
  • Information Requirements for a Construction and Operations Plan (COP) (April 2016). These recently updated guidelines (1) provide data requirements to help BOEM analyze potential environmental and socioeconomic effects and operational integrity of proposed construction, operation, and decommissioning activities; (2) provide recommendations for coordinating with owners and operators of telecommunication cables that traverse a BOEM-issued renewable energy lease area; and (3) provide clarification on the site characterization data that the lessee submits with its initial COP to support BOEM’s review of the lessee’s initial and subsequent phases of development of the lease area, when the lessee proposes phased commercial development of the lease area.
  • Providing Information on Fisheries Social and Economic Conditions for Renewable Energy Development on the Atlantic OCS (October 2015). These guidelines provide guidance to lessees in BOEM Atlantic planning areas to help comply with fishery information requirements in renewable energy plans.
  • Survey Guidelines. Before BOEM will approve the siting of a facility, structure, or cable proposed for a renewable energy project on the OCS, an applicant must submit with its Site Assessment Plan, or General Activities Plan, as applicable. For more information, click here.