Code Development

Code Development

Code Development

Code Development Process

I-Code Errata

Code Development Procedures

Obtain information on the code development process. Learn about ICC Bylaws, Procedures and council policies regarding code development.

Code Development Archives

Archived reference information on development of the I-Codes, including draft codes under development and past Code Development Cycle work.

Code Development Principles

ICC develops construction and public safety codes through the governmental consensus process. This system of code development has provided the citizens of the U.S. the highest level of safety in the world for more than 80 years. The ICC governmental consensus process meets the principles defined by the National Standards Strategy of 2000; OMB Circular A-119, Federal Participation in the Development and Use of Voluntary Consensus Standards and in Conformity Assessment Activities (1998). It complies with Public Law 104-113 National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995. The following principles are adhered to in ICC’s governmental consensus process:


  • Participation in the development of the codes, including code hearings, is open to all at no cost.
  • Anyone can submit a code change proposal or make a public comment.
  • Code committees must consider all views before voting.


  • Evidence of committee vote, with reason, must be documented.
  • Final decisions are made in an open hearing by public safety officials.

Balance of Interest

  • Committee members represent general interests, user interests, producer interests, or multiple interests. One-third of the committee’s members must be public safety officials.
  • Committee members cannot vote on issues that are a conflict of interest.
  • ICC membership is not a condition of committee membership.

Due Process

  • A code change proponent has the opportunity to rebut opponents and vice versa.
  • Anyone who attends the hearing can testify.
  • Committees are required to consider all views, objections and the cost impact of all code change proposals.

Appeals Process

  • Anyone can appeal an action or inaction of the code committee.
  • ICC renders its decision on the appeal based on whether due process was served.


  • Committee members vote to approve the code change, make modifications to it, or vote against it.
  • A simple majority from the committee decides the action of the proposed code change.
  • ICC assembly action allows members to challenge the action of the committee.

The International Codes

  • Are innovative and coordinated.
  • Cannot be influenced by vested financial interests.
  • Are efficient and effective.
  • Are developed through the efforts of public safety officials.
  • Are up to date and state of the art.
  • Are revised every 18 months and new editions are published every three years.
  • Are economically viable and practical.

Governmental Consensus Process

The governmental consensus process leaves the final determination of code provisions in the hands of public safety officials who, with no vested financial interest, can legitimately represent the public interest.