Public Access to Wireless Internet in the Capitol Complex

The following provides information on using the public wireless Internet access available in the Capitol complex committee hearing rooms, conference rooms, and Legislative Reference Library. Click here to view a wireless network availability location map.

Minimum Laptop Requirements: Active internal or external wireless B or G card.

Connecting to Wireless Access Points

When your laptop is powered on in a committee hearing room, conference room, or in the Legislative Reference Library, it will automatically detect the presence of the Public-Capitol wireless access points and launch an information balloon above the taskbar system tray that indicates you're connected.

If your laptop does not automatically connect to the Public-Capitol network, an information balloon will appear that states One or more wireless networks are available or Wireless Network Unavailable. Simply place your cursor inside the information balloon and double-click. The Wireless Network Connection window displays.

From the Wireless Network Connection window, select Public-Capitol listed in the top pane of the window. Click the Allow me to connect to the selected wireless network, even though it is not secure check box. Click Connect.

With connection to the Public-Capitol network you can now connect to the Internet.

NOTE: Public wireless Internet connections are limited. If you are repeatedly prompted with the balloon message that the wireless network is available, this indicates that the maximum number of public connections are being utilized.

NOTE: The use of any electronic device during a hearing or committee meeting is at the discretion of the chairperson. Please respect the quorum of the meeting and use earphones or mute the audio when audio is being broadcast.

NOTE: When viewing live video, quality will vary depending on the amount of bandwidth available. Viewing live video through the wireless network can also impact the performance of others who are using the same wireless access point.

Technical assistance is not available for the Public-Capitol network.

Wireless Network Availability List by Room Number

    Betty King Committee Room (2E.20)
    Legislative Reference Library (2N.3)
    E1.004, E1.010, E1.012, E1.014, E1.016, E1.018, E1.020, E1.022, E1.024, E1.026, E1.028, E1.030, E1.036
    E2.010, E2.012, E2.014, E2.016, E2.018, E2.020, E2.022, E2.024, E2.026, E2.028, E2.030, E2.036
    100, 110, 120, 131, 140

Connection status balloon
Wireless connections available balloon
Wireless network connection selection window