California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle)


The California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) maintains e-mail lists (listservs) for stakeholders interested in the programs listed below. This page allows you to subscribe and unsubscribe to these lists. To find out what CalRecycle lists you are currently subscribed to, go to My Lists. If you change your email address you must unsubscribe and then resubscribe with your new email address. Do not provide what you would consider to be personal information when you sign up for a listserv because the information is subject to Public Records Act requests.

Currently Available E-Mail Lists

AB 901: Disposal and Recycling Facility ReportingThe purpose of this listserv is to send updates and information to stakeholders on the development of the new disposal and recycling reporting regulations to implement Assembly Bill 901. Information that will be sent out includes dates/times of upcoming stakeholder meetings, opportunities for public comment, and documents for the rulemaking process. Subscribe Unsubscribe
Beverage Container Recycling Grant: CompetitiveThis program provides funding to entities for projects related to the California Beverage Container Recycling Program and is intended to encourage and increase consumer recycling of beverage containers that contained certain beverages sold in California. Subscribers will receive periodic email notification about funding availability, applicant & project eligibility, and important deadline dates. Beverage Container Recycling Competitive Grants Home Page. Subscribe Unsubscribe
Beverage Container Recycling Notices: Certified Recyclers/ProcessorsThe intent of this list is to provide certified recyclers and processors, and interested parties, with periodic updates, including new rates and payment information, changes to regulations and statutes, and information related to the Beverage Container Recycling Program. Beverage Container Recycling Home Page Subscribe Unsubscribe
Beverage Container Recycling Notices: Manufacturers/DistributorsThe intent of this listserv is to provide beverage manufacturers and distributors, and interested parties with periodic updates, including new rates and payment information, and information related to the Beverage Container Recycling Program. Beverage Container Recycling Home Page Subscribe Unsubscribe
Beverage Container Recycling Program: General InformationBeverage Container Recycling Program general information. Beverage Container Recycling Home Page Subscribe Unsubscribe
California's 75 Percent Recycling InitiativeCalifornia has set an ambitious goal of recycling 75 percent of its solid waste by 2020. This list is used to keep stakeholders informed about CalRecycle's efforts to develop a plan to achieve that goal, as well as inform them about opportunities to participate and provide input into the process. California's 75 Percent Recycling Initiative Subscribe Unsubscribe
California’s Environmental Goals and Funding Waste Management InfrastructureThe intent of this listserv is to provide interested stakeholders information about workshops and public meetings regarding state investments and partnerships needed to achieve California’s 75 percent recycling goal while sustaining CalRecycle’s ability to manage the handling of solid waste in California. Subscribe Unsubscribe
Carpet Product StewardshipThe intent of this listserv is to provide interested parties with periodic updates on CalRecycle activities related to the California Product Stewardship for Carpets Program established by AB 2398. Carpet Materials Management Home Page Subscribe Unsubscribe
Climate ChangeThis intent of this listserv is to provide interested parties with periodic updates on CalRecycle activities related to Climate Change. Global Climate Change Home Page Subscribe Unsubscribe
Compostable Materials, Transfer/Processing RulemakingUpdates on the development of new regulations regarding Compostable Materials, Transfer Processing, Permit Application Form, and Permit Exemptions (Title 14 and 27). Compostable Materials, Transfer/Processing Home Page Subscribe Unsubscribe
E-WasteSubscribers receive periodic e-mail notifications about California`s Electronic Waste Recycling Act of 2003 (SB 20) implementation efforts, as well as other relevant developments. Electronic Waste Management Home Page Subscribe Unsubscribe
Environmental Justice ProgramEnvironmental justice means the fair treatment of people of all races, cultures, and incomes regarding the development, adoption, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. CalRecycle’s Environmental Justice Program’s mission is to ensure environmental justice concepts, values, and objectives are thoroughly implemented within CalRecycle programmatic activities. The intent of this listserv is to provide interested members of the public, stakeholders, and organizations with information regarding the activities and events of the Environmental Justice Program. Environmental Justice Home page Subscribe Unsubscribe
Extended Producer ResponsibilityThe intent of this lists is to provide interested parties with periodic updates on CalRecycle topics and activities related to Extended Producer Responsibility. Product Stewardship and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Home Page Subscribe Unsubscribe
Facility Information Toolbox (FacIT)This listserv will provide Facility Information Toolbox (FacIT) formerly the Recycling and Waste Management Infrastructure Project progress updates, and a communication link among project stakeholders and other interested parties. Facility Information Toolbox Subscribe Unsubscribe
Farm and Ranch Cleanup GrantThe Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) administers a program to provide opportunities for the cleanup of illegal disposal sites on farm and ranch property. Farm and Ranch property, as defined in California Code of Regulations, section 17991(d), means a piece of property, publicly or privately owned, that is used for rangeland or agricultural activities such as, but not limited to commercial livestock and crop production, horticulture, aquaculture, silviculture, floriculture, vermiculture and viticulture. Farm and Ranch Solid Waste Cleanup and Abatement Subscribe Unsubscribe
Glass Container Processing and Other Similar Materials RulemakingSign up to receive e-mail updates on the development of new regulations regarding Glass Container Processing and Other Similar Materials. Glass Container Processing and Other Similar Materials Subscribe Unsubscribe
Greenhouse Gas Reduction ProgramsThis list is to provide interested parties updates about CalRecycle’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction (GHG) programs. Currently, there are three programs: Organics Grant Program, the Recycled Fiber, Plastic, & Glass Grant Program, and GHG Reduction Revolving Loan Program. Subscribers will receive periodic email notification about funding availability, applicant and project eligibility, and important deadline dates. Greenhouse Gas Reduction Grant and Loan Programs Subscribe Unsubscribe
Household Hazardous Waste Reporting (Form 303)To keep stakeholders informed about Household Hazardous Waste Reporting (Form 303) updates, new releases, and data postings. This will also be used to facilitate communication for an upcoming rulemaking process. Annual Reporting: Household Hazardous Waste Collection Information Home Page Subscribe Unsubscribe
Local Jurisdiction Interested PartiesA list of consultants, local government workers, jurisdictional workers and others who are interested in receiving information about board topics and activity. Local Government Central Home Page Subscribe Unsubscribe
Mandatory Commercial Organics Recycling (AB 1826)Information related to the implementation of California’s mandatory commercial organics recycling law. For more information go to the Mandatory Commercial Organics Recycling home page. Subscribe Unsubscribe
Mattress Product StewardshipThe intent of this listserv is to provide interested parties with periodic updates on CalRecycle activities related to the California Product Stewardship for Mattresses Program established by the Used Mattress Recovery and Recycling Act. Mattress Product Management Home Page Subscribe Unsubscribe
Monthly Meetings and WorkshopsReceive e-mail notifications about upcoming CalRecycle monthly meetings and workshops regarding ongoing activities, upcoming decisions, and opportunities to provide input for permit, grant, and other decisions. Updates include planned agendas and other meeting-related information. Links: CalRecycle Events Calendar | Meetings and Workshop Notices. Subscribe Unsubscribe
News ReleasesReceive email notifications about CalRecycle news releases, reports, accomplishments, and special activities. CalRecycle Press Releases Subscribe Unsubscribe
Organic Materials ManagementThis listserv provides updates on topics and activities related to Organic Materials Management, including organics facility development incentives, food waste reduction and food rescue, organics-related air and water quality issues, and efforts concerning healthy soils and climate change. We send out advance notices on upcoming conferences and workshops, not only for CalRecycle but for other state, federal, and local agencies and private entities who promote organics recycling. Organic Materials Management Home Page Subscribe Unsubscribe
Paint Product StewardshipThe intent of this listserv is to provide interested parties with periodic updates on CalRecycle activities related to the California Architectural Paint Recovery Program established by AB 1343. Paint Product Management Home Page Subscribe Unsubscribe
Plastic Collection and RecyclingFor parties interested in participating in CalRecycle`s collaborative process to increase the collection and recycling (in order to divert these materials from disposal in California landfills) of plastic containers, plastic film, and other plastic products in California. The listserv would also be used by the community regulated under California`s Rigid Plastic Packaging Container and Plastic Trash Bag Laws. Subscribers will receive meeting announcements, rulemaking notices, program updates, etc. from CalRecycle staff. Plastics Information and Resources Home Page Subscribe Unsubscribe
Reusable Grocery Bag Certification (SB 270)This list will be used to inform interested parties about Single-Use Carryout Bag Ban (SB 270)--the law that was upheld by voters on the November General Election ballot as Proposition 67. This list will be used to inform stakeholders and the public about the regulatory process and provide information regarding public comment periods, workshops, and other rulemaking activities. In addition, the list will be used as needed to provide relevant updates about the law. Subscribe Unsubscribe
Rubberized Pavement Grant ProgramThis grant program (formerly known as the Rubberized Asphalt Concrete (RAC) Grant Program) provides assistance to local governments to fund RAC projects including hot mix and chip seal. Subscribers will receive periodic email notification about funding availability, applicant & project eligibility, and due dates to apply for this grant program. Typically, grants are offered for this program once or twice a year. Rubberized Pavement Grant Program Home Page Subscribe Unsubscribe
Sharps and Medication DisposalHelps local government, health organizations, medical industry, medical waste industry, and individuals to properly dispose of sharps and medication waste. Medication Waste Disposal Home Page | Sharps Waste Home Page Subscribe Unsubscribe
Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCP)In order to reduce short-lived climate pollutants from the waste sector, California has set an ambitious target to achieve a 50 percent reduction in the level of the statewide disposal of organic waste from the 2014 level by 2020 and a 75 percent reduction by 2025. This list is used to keep stakeholders informed about all aspects of CalRecycle's efforts to achieve these targets including the development of regulations. Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCP): Organic Waste Methane Emissions Reductions Subscribe Unsubscribe
Solid Waste Disposal and Codisposal Site Cleanup ProgramThe purpose of the listserv is to provide information and/or notifications to interested parties regarding the availability of the Legacy Disposal Site Abatement Partial Grant Program, Illegal Disposal Site Abatement Grant Program, and release of new contract solicitations for construction and engineering. Solid Waste Disposal and Codisposal Site Cleanup Program Subscribe Unsubscribe
SWIS Digital Inspections ProjectUpdates on the current status and any new features or changes introduced in the SWIS Digital Inspections Project, which provides LEAs with an electronic alternative to submitting inspection data on paper forms. SWIS Digital Inspections Project Subscribe Unsubscribe
Synthetic Turf StudyThis listserv will provide updates and information regarding the scientific research being conducted by OEHHA under contract with CalRecycle to determine whether any health risks are associated with the use of synthetic turf fields containing recycled tire crumb rubber. Subscribe Unsubscribe
TechnologyReceive periodic e-mail notifications about conversion and biomass to energy technology topics. Conversion and Biomass to Energy Home Page Subscribe Unsubscribe
Tire Amnesty Grant ProgramThe Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) has allocated $1,800,000 for the Local Government Waste Tire Amnesty Grant Program (Program) for fiscal year (FY) 2015–16. Public Resources Code Section 42889 authorizes CalRecycle to expend funds from the California Tire Recycling Management Fund to pay for the cost of cleanup, abatement, or other remedial actions related to the disposal of California waste tires. The Program provides funds for eligible applicants to conduct free amnesty events for the public to recycle their waste tires. Local Government Waste Tire Cleanup and Amnesty Grant Programs Subscribe Unsubscribe
Tire Cleanup Grant ProgramThis program provides funding to entities for projects related to the Local Governmental Waste Tire Cleanup Grant Program. This grant program will fund costs for cleanup, abatement, or other remedial actions related to the disposal of California waste tires. Subscribers will receive periodic email notification about funding availability, applicant and project eligibility, and important deadline dates. Local Government Waste Tire Cleanup and Amnesty Grant Programs Subscribe Unsubscribe
Tire Incentive ProgramThis grant program provides funding to eligible businesses to use crumb rubber in eligible products or substitute private entities including manufacturers, rubber compounders, and waste tire processors that use crumb rubber to replace virgin rubber, plastic, or other raw materials in products. Subscribers will receive periodic email notification about funding availability, applicant and project eligibility, and due dates to apply for this grant program. Tire Incentive Program Home Page Subscribe Unsubscribe
Tire Management: Increasing RecyclingIn 2014, California recycled less than 40 percent of the tires generated annually. This list is used to keep stakeholders informed about opportunities to participate and provide input into the process related to CalRecycle’s efforts to increase the recycling of waste tires. The discussion and related comments will assist CalRecycle and others as they consider policy, program and legislative options. Subscribe Unsubscribe
Tire-Derived Aggregate (TDA) Grant ProgramThis grant program provides assistance to local governments utilizing tire derived aggregate as an alternative to conventional lightweight aggregates in civil engineering projects. Subscribers will receive periodic email notification about funding availability, applicant & project eligibility, and due dates to apply for this grant program. Tire-Derived Aggregate Grant Program Home Page Subscribe Unsubscribe
Tire-Derived Product (TDP) Grant ProgramThis grant program provides funding to certain entities for TDPs made from recycled 100 percent California waste tires. Projects generally fall into one of three categories: agricultural/landscape, recreational, or transportation. Subscribers will receive periodic email notification about funding availability, applicant & project eligibility, and due dates to apply for this grant program. Typically, grants are offered for this program once a year. Tire-Derived Product Grant Program Home Page Subscribe Unsubscribe
Used Oil and HHWTo keep stakeholders informed about used oil and HHW updates. This will also be used to facilitate communication for an upcoming used oil rulemaking process. Subscribe Unsubscribe
Used Oil Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) ProjectThe purpose of this listserv is to send periodic updates and information to stakeholders interested in following the status of the Used Oil LCA project. Information that will be sent out includes dates and times of upcoming stakeholder meetings, notification of content added to the Used Oil website, and updates on the status of the contract(s) and reports. This project will be completed by January 1, 2014. Used Oil Home Page Subscribe Unsubscribe
Waste TirePeriodic e-mail notifications about Waste Tire Management topics such as hauling and disposal. Tire Management Home Page Subscribe Unsubscribe
Waste Tire RulemakingThe purpose of this listserv is to send periodic updates and information to stakeholders interested in following the status of Waste Tire Rulemaking proposals. Information that will be sent out includes dates and times of upcoming stakeholder meetings and notification of content added to the Proposed Waste Tire Rulemaking website. Waste Tire Rulemaking Information Page Subscribe Unsubscribe
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CalRecycle Listservs
Contact: Public Affairs Office (916) 341-6300