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Current Water Year Snow and Precipitation Reports

Today's Summary Reports

Daily SNOTEL Data & Reports

  • Daily SNOTEL Snow Water and Precipitation Maps


Today's Snow Water Equivalent

Today's Cumulative Precipitation

% of Normal Basin Map

% of Normal Point Map

% of Normal Basin Map

% of Normal Point Map

Western US

% of Normal Basin Map

% of Normal Point Map


% of Normal Peak

% of Normal Basin Map

% of Normal Point Map


% of Month to Date Basin Map

% of Monthly Total Point Map

Other States  Snow Water Maps  Precipitation Products

SNOTEL SWE, Snow Depth, and Precipitation Rates of Change Last 4 Days (Idaho Data Collection Office Area)

Selected SNOTEL Snow Water Content Graphs  (Current and last year with normal) 

Hourly SNOTEL Data

Monthly Snow and Precipitation Products