Press Release Catalog 2010

  • 12/28/10 BOEMRE Initiates Leasing Process for Commercial Wind Development Offshore Massachusetts
  • 12/20/10 Dr. James Kendall to Serve as Acting Alaska Regional Director
  • 12/17/10 BOEMRE Backs Expansion and Consolidation of Subsistence Information in Alaska
  • 12/17/10 BOEMRE Approves $1.6 Million in Grants for Five Alabama Projects
  • 12/17/10 BOEMRE Begins Work on First Geological and Geophysical Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for the Mid and South Atlantic
  • 12/16/10 BOEMRE Awards $700,000 to California State Lands Commission for Coastal Hazard Removal Project
  • 12/16/10 BOEMRE Approves $1.8 Million Grant for Mississippi Facility
  • 12/14/10 BOEMRE Team Returns from Papua New Guinea Visit After Sharing Technical Expertise with Officials
  • 12/13/10 BOEMRE Approves CIAP Grant for Biloxi River Greenway
  • 12/13/10 BOEMRE Issues Guidance for Deepwater Drillers to Comply with Strengthened Safety and Environmental Standards
  • 12/10/10 BOEMRE Approves $35,477 Grant to Support Future Wetland Restoration and Reservoir Improvements at California's Lynch Canyon Open Space
  • 12/10/10 BOEMRE to Accept Public Comment on Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plan
  • 12/08/10 BOEMRE Director Makes Case for Regulatory Reform at Oil and Gas Law Conference
  • 12/07/10 Salazar: IG Report Affirms Direction, Urgency of Interior's Offshore Energy Oversight Reform Agenda
  • 12/02/10 BOEMRE Approves $1 Million Grant for Mississippi Water Project
  • 12/01/10 Salazar Announces Revised OCS Leasing Program
  • 11/30/10 BOEMRE Awards $1.5 Million Grant for Alabama Welcome Center
  • 11/23/10 BOEMRE Recruiting Expert Scientists for Openings on Scientific Committee
  • 11/23/10 Salazar Launches 'Smart from the Start' Initiative to Speed Offshore Wind Energy Development off the Atlantic Coast
  • 11/22/10 Salazar, Bromwich Encouraged by Progress of Operators to Comply with Higher Offshore Oil and Gas Standards
  • 11/18/10 BOEMRE and New York Form Offshore Renewable Energy Task Force
  • 11/17/10 Secretary Salazar and Director Bromwich’s Statements on NAE-NRC’s Interim Report on the Causes of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
  • 11/17/10 BOEMRE Approves $552,000 Grant for Mississippi Park Project
  • 11/15/10 BOEMRE Completes Comparison Study of Fish Living at Pacific Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms and Natural Reefs
  • 11/10/10 BOEMRE Team Returns from Uganda Visit After Sharing Technical Expertise with Officials
  • 11/09/10 BOEMRE Director Testifies Before the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
  • 11/08/10 Interior Department Issues Guidance on Corporate Statement of Compliance
  • 11/08/10 BOEMRE Initiates Leasing Process for Commercial Wind Development on Outer Continental Shelf offshore Maryland
  • 11/04/10 Federal & Academic Scientists Return from Deep-sea Research Cruise in Gulf of Mexico: Scientists Observe Damage to Deep-sea Corals
  • 11/04/10 BOEMRE Continues Environmental Reviews in Gulf of Mexico
  • 11/03/10 Bromwich Blog: Criticizing the Inspectors
  • 11/02/10 Salazar Proposes Ocean Energy Safety Institute
  • 10/29/10 BOEMRE Funds $2.5 Million in Bird Monitoring Studies on the Atlantic OCS
  • 10/29/10 BOEMRE Director Promises Bureau Will Remain Aggressive in Enforcing Safety and Environmental Regulations at Meeting of Offshore Industry Representatives
  • 10/28/10 BOEMRE Leads Study of Deepwater Communities Post-Deepwater Horizon Spill
  • 10/26/10 BOEMRE, DOE, and NOAA Announce Nearly $5 Million for Joint Environmental Research Projects to Advance Ocean Renewable Energy
  • 10/25/10 BOEMRE Awards $995,000 to the California Ocean Science Trust
  • 10/18/10 BOEMRE Director Bromwich Highlights Aggressive New Reforms, Stresses Importance of Engagement with International Offshore Regulatory Community
  • 10/12/10 BOEMRE Approves $249,000 Grant for Louisiana Pump Station
  • 10/12/10 BOEMRE Releases Draft Supplemental SEIS for Chukchi Sea Sale 193: Responds to Issues Raised by U.S. District Court for Alaska
  • 10/12/10 Salazar: Deepwater Drilling May Resume for Operators Who Clear Higher Bar for Safety, Environmental Protection
  • 10/07/10 BOEMRE Begins Review, Invites Public Comment on Categorical Exclusions
  • 10/06/10 Salazar Signs First U.S. Offshore Commercial Wind Energy Lease with Cape Wind Associates, LLC
  • 10/01/10 Interior Establishes Office of Natural Resources Revenue
  • 10/01/10 BOEMRE Helps State of Alaska Cope with Erosion Issues
  • 09/30/10 Salazar Announces Regulations to Strengthen Drilling Safety, Reduce Risk of Human Error on Offshore Oil and Gas Operations
  • 09/27/10 BOEMRE Awards Contract for Mid-Atlantic Study
  • 09/24/10 Interior Completing Close-Out of Royalty in Kind Program
  • 09/21/10 BOEMRE Awards $1.5 Million in Grants to Alabama's Mobile, Baldwin Counties: Funding Provided through the Coastal Impact Assistance Program
  • 09/21/10 BOEMRE Awards $4.1 Million in Grants to Mississippi: Funding Provided through the Coastal Impact Assistance Program
  • 09/19/10 Statement of Secretaries Salazar and Chu on the Permanent Plugging of Macondo well
  • 09/15/10 Interior Department Issues "Idle Iron" Guidance
  • 09/15/10 BOEMRE and Maine Form Offshore Renewable Energy Task Force
  • 09/13/10 Readout of BOEMRE Director Bromwich's Meeting With Shallow Water Drilling Coalition
  • 09/10/10 BOEMRE Hosts International Regulators Forum Special Meeting
  • 09/04/10 BOEMRE Issues Update on Investigation into Incident on Mariner Energy's Vermilion 380 Platform
  • 09/03/10 BOEMRE Launches Investigation Into Cause of the Incident on Mariner Energy's Vermilion 380 Platform
  • 09/02/10 Readout From BOEMRE Director Bromwich's Meeting with BP Senior Executives
  • 08/31/10 Director Bromwich to Host Forums in Texas and Mississippi to Discuss Deepwater Drilling Safety, Containment and Spill Response
  • 08/20/10 Dominion & Marathon Oil to Pay $6.9 Million to Resolve Allegations of Royalty Underpayments from American Indian and Federal Lands
  • 08/18/10 Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement Announces Misconduct Reporting Hotline
  • 08/16/10 Categorical Exclusions for Gulf Offshore Activity to be Limited While Interior Reviews NEPA Process and Develops Revised Policy
  • 07/29/10 Secretary Salazar Visits Offshore Drilling Rigs in Gulf of Mexico to Observe Strengthened Inspections and Safety Equipment
  • 07/27/10 Tropical Storm Bonnie Activity Statistics – July 27, 2010
  • 07/26/10 Tropical Storm Bonnie Activity Statistics – July 26, 2010
  • 07/25/10 Tropical Storm Bonnie Activity Statistics – July 25, 2010
  • 07/24/10 Tropical Storm Bonnie Activity Statistics – July 24, 2010
  • 07/23/10 Tropical Storm Bonnie Activity Statistics – July 23, 2010
  • 07/22/10 Secretary Salazar, Director Bromwich Testify on Progress of Interior's Offshore Energy Reforms
  • 07/19/10 Director Bromwich to Host Public Meetings Nationwide to Discuss Deepwater Drilling Safety, Containment and Spill Response
  • 07/18/10 Director Bromwich Discusses Offshore Drilling Reforms with Industry and Conservation Stakeholders
  • 07/15/10 BP Liable for Reporting and Royalties on Oil and Gas from Leaking Well
  • 07/14/10 Salazar, Bromwich Visit Gulf Coast, Encourage Interior Employees in Fight to Protect Communities, Coasts, and Wildlife
  • 07/12/10 Secretary Salazar Issues New Suspensions to Guide Safe Pause on Deepwater Drilling: Bromwich to Engage Public, Industry and Stakeholders in Deepwater Drilling Safety Reforms
  • 07/03/10 Hurricane Alex Activity Statistics Update – July 3, 2010: The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement Monitors Activities Through its Continuity of Operations Plan
  • 07/02/10 Hurricane Alex Activity Statistics Update – July 2, 2010: The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement Monitors Activities Through its Continuity of Operations Plan
  • 07/01/10 Hurricane Alex Activity Statistics Update – July 1, 2010: The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement Monitors Activities Through its Continuity of Operations Plan
  • 07/01/10 Interior Extends Opportunity for Public Input on Environmental Analysis of 2012-2017 Oil and Gas Leasing Program
  • 07/01/10 Interior Issues $5.2 M Civil Penalty to BP America for False Reporting on Tribal Lands
  • 07/01/10 Interior and Energy Sign MOU to Spur Offshore Renewable Energy Projects
  • 06/30/10 Hurricane Alex Activity Statistics Update – June 30, 2010: The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement Monitors Activities Through its Continuity of Operations Plan
  • 06/29/10 Hurricane Alex Activity Statistics Update – June 29, 2010: The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement Monitors Activities Through its Continuity of Operations Plan
  • 06/23/10 Bromwich Launches Investigative/Compliance Team to Spur Reform, Restructuring of Offshore Oil and Gas Regulation
  • 06/21/10 Salazar Swears-In Michael R. Bromwich to Lead Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement
  • 06/09/10 Interior Issues Directive to Guide Implementation of Stronger Safety Requirements for Offshore Drilling)
  • 06/08/10 Salazar Signs Agreement with 10 East Coast Governors to Establish Atlantic Offshore Wind Energy Consortium
  • 05/28/10 BLM Director Bob Abbey to Serve as Acting Director of the Minerals Management Service
  • 05/27/10 Salazar Calls for New Safety Measures for Offshore Oil and Gas Operations; Orders Six Month Moratorium on Deepwater Drilling
  • 05/19/10 Salazar Divides MMS's Three Conflicting Missions
  • 05/11/10 Salazar Launches Safety and Environmental Protection Reforms to Toughen Oversight of Offshore Oil and Gas Operations
  • 04/30/10 Safety Alert on the Deepwater Horizon Explosion and Fire Resulting in Multiple Fatalities and Release of Oil
  • 04/28/10 Secretary Salazar Announces Approval of Cape Wind Energy Project on Outer Continental Shelf off Massachusetts
  • 04/28/10 2010 Offshore Industry Safety Awards Postponed
  • 04/22/10 MMS invites public to comment on scope of Atlantic Geological & Geophysical Environmental Study - Public meetings are scheduled in Norfolk, VA to solicit comments
  • 04/22/10 MMS invites public to comment on scope of Atlantic Geological & Geophysical Environmental Study - Public meetings are scheduled in Charleston, SC to solicit comments
  • 04/22/10 MMS invites public to comment on scope of Atlantic Geological & Geophysical Environmental Study - Public meetings are scheduled in Newark, NJ to solicit comments
  • 04/20/10 MMS invites public to comment on scope of Atlantic Geological & Geophysical Environmental Study - Public meetings are scheduled in Wilmington, NC to solicit comments
  • 04/16/10 MMS invites public to comment on scope of Atlantic Geological & Geophysical Environmental Study - Public meetings are scheduled in Savannah, Ga. to solicit comments
  • 04/16/10 MMS invites public to comment on scope of Atlantic Geological & Geophysical Environmental Study - Public meetings are scheduled in Jacksonville, Fla. to solicit comments
  • 04/16/10 MMS Rewrites OCS Oil and Gas Production Requirements
  • 04/15/10 MMS Recognizes Companies for Safety Excellence
  • 04/14/10 MMS and Maryland Energy Administration Hold Offshore Renewable Energy Task Force Meeting
  • 04/14/10 MMS Funds Technical Research to Support Offshore Renewable Energy Development on the Outer Continental Shelf
  • 04/13/10 Secretary Salazar Unveils Arctic Studies Initiative that will Inform Oil and Gas Decisions for Beaufort and Chukchi Seas
  • 04/12/10 Interior Agencies to Conduct Royalty Review Study to Ensure Federal Leasing Policies Provide Fair Return on Public Oil and Gas Resources
  • 04/06/10 MMS to Announce District SAFE Award Recipients
  • 04/06/10 MMS Publishes Preliminary Revised 2007-2012 Five-Year
  • 04/05/10 Mobil Oil Companies to Pay U.S. $32.2 Million to Resolve Allegations of Underpayment of Royalties from American Indian and Federal Lands
  • 04/02/10 Secretary Salazar Renews Charter for Royalty Policy Committee
  • 04/01/10 Secretary Salazar Announces Offer of 18.8 Million Acres for Oil and Gas Development in Western Gulf Lease Sale
  • 04/01/10 MMS Opens Comment Period on the Scope of EIS for 2012-2017 Five-Year Program
  • 04/01/10 MMS Schedules Public Meetings on Atlantic Geological & Geophysical Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
  • 03/31/10 Secretary Salazar Announces Comprehensive Strategy for Offshore Oil and Gas Development and Exploration
  • 03/29/10 MMS Publishes Notice Announcing end of RIK Small Refiner Program: Continues Phasing out RIK Program
  • 03/25/10 Secretary Salazar Announces Interior Award of $33 Million to the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources
  • 03/24/10 Alan Thornhill Named Science Advisor to MMS Director
  • 03/17/10 Central Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 213Attracts $949 Million in High Bids
  • 03/16/10 Bids Received for MMS Central Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale
  • 03/12/10 MMS Director Liz Birnbaum to Open Central Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 213
  • 03/08/10 Bids Received for MMS Central Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale
  • 03/08/10 MMS Awards First Grants to Support Conservation, Protection and Restoration of California's Coastal and Marine Environments
  • 03/04/10 MMS Announces Availability of Environmental Assessment of Cape Wind Energy
  • 03/02/10 MMS and NOAA Scientists Study Prey of Gulf of Mexico Sperm Whales: NOAA's New Research Vessel Trawling for Sperm Whale Prey in Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
  • 03/01/10 Secretary Salazar Moves toward Final Decision on Cape Wind
  • 02/19/10 Secretary Salazar Hosts Atlantic Governors at Outer Continental Shelf Wind Energy Summit
  • 02/17/10 MMS Unveils 2010 Audit Plan
  • 02/17/10 MMS Approves Nearly $700,000 Grant for Lake Pontchartrain Protection
  • 02/17/10 MMS Energy Enforcement Efforts Recover $157 Million
  • 02/11/10 MMS Issues Final Notice of Central Gulf Lease Sale 213: Revised Lease Terms Will Promote Diligent Development of Gulf Energy Resources
  • 02/01/10 President Requests $364.8 Million for MMS FY 2011 Budget
  • 01/22/10 MMS Opens Public Comment Period on Cape Wind Energy Project
  • 01/20/10 Mary Katherine Ishee Named New MMS Deputy Director
  • 01/19/10 MMS Awards $67 Million for CIAP Grants in 2009
  • 01/19/10 MMS Grant to Help Plan Village Relocation
  • 01/07/10 MMS Approves $1.2 Million Grant for Fringe Marsh Repair
  • 01/06/10 MMS Study Probes Mystery of Loop Current in Eastern Gulf of Mexico
  • 01/04/10 Secretary Salazar Initiates Final Review of Cape Wind Proposal