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Current and Past Years' Facts of the Week

In 1989, petroleum consumption in the transportation sector surpassed U.S. petroleum production for the first time, creating a gap that must be met with imports of petroleum. In 2009, however, the U.S. production of petroleum began to increase. Learn more about the Transportation Petroleum Gap at the July 14, 2014 Fact of the Week. Information on historical gas prices is available on the August 25, 2014 fact of Historical Average Annual Gas Prices and the February 9, 2015 fact of Excess Supply is the Most Recent Event to Affect Crude Oil Prices

The Vehicle Technologies Office's Fact of the Week features the latest information about energy and automotive markets. The archived Facts of the Week are below.

2016 Facts of the Week

2015 Facts of the Week

2014 Facts of the Week

2013 Facts of the Week

2012 Facts of the Week

2011 Facts of the Week

2010 Facts of the Week

2009 Facts of the Week